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Records - classification:545 (City Auditor - City Recorder - Council Documents) and createdOn:10/28/2015 to 11/03/2015 - 10 records
1091-2015 Accept report on the Planning and Leadership Across City Environments Program
1092-2015 Accept the Quarterly Technology Oversight Committee Report from Chief Administrative Officer
1094-2015 Appoint Andrea Olsen and Dana Coffee to the Portland Commission on Disability report
1106-2015 Accept contract with PCR, Inc. for the construction of the Road 10 MP 0.6 - 1.8 Project as complete, release retainage and authorize final payment Contract No. 30004170 report
1121-2015 Donation of northern portion of Ross Island from the Port of Portland to Portland Parks and Recreation report
1086-2015 Stuart Emmons communication
1087-2015 Brian Libby communication
1088-2015 Fritz Junker communication
1089-2015 Alan Linhares communication
1090-2015 Wayne Wignes communication