Search Results
Records - classification:545 (City Auditor - City Recorder - Council Documents) and createdOn:02/14/2018 to 02/20/2018 - 11 records
134-2018 Timothy Mears communication
135-2018 Cevero Gonzalez communication
136-2018 Shedrick J. Wilkins communication
137-2018 Injured and Pissedoff communication
138-2018 Ann Kasper communication
139-2018 Proclaim February 2018 to be Pioneer Black firefighters of Portland Month proclamation
140-2018 Accept 2017 North and Northeast Neighborhood Housing Strategy oversight Committee annual report referred documents
141-2018 Proclaim February 14, 2018 to be Producer Day proclamation
142-2018 Appeal of South Burlingame Neighborhood Association against the Hearings Officer's decision to approve Macadam Ridge subdivision LU 16-213734 LDS ENM EV report
147-2018 Just Bucket Excavating, Inc for the SE 50th Ave - SE Division St to SE Hawthorne Blvd project Bid No. 000007952 report
152-2018 Police Officer Involved Shootings and In Custody Deaths 2014-15 report