Search Results
Records - classification:542 (City Auditor - City Recorder - Council Resolutions) and createdOn:06/24/2015 to 06/29/2015 - 7 records
37133 Approve and terminate limited tax exemptions for properties under the Homebuyer Opportunity Limited Tax Exemption Program resolution
37136 Implement policies and programs to keep Portland on a path to reduce local carbon emissions 80 percent from 1990 levels by 2050 resolution
37134 Add 0.46 acres to the Portland Enterprise Zone through a State of Oregon boundary change request resolution
37135 2015 Climate Action Plan to reduce local carbon emssions by 80 percent from 1990 by 2050 resolution
37137 Private sector investor support for investments in environmentally responsible capital projects, including green bonds and other climate-related financing tools resolution
37138 Revise homeownership and home repair financial assistance guidelines resolution
37139 Portland Streetcar and Portland Aerial Tram participation in the Orange Line Grand Opening Celebration on September 12, 2015 resolution