Mayor (Archival) - Lane, Harry - Subject Files - D - Correspondence personal |
AD/5990 |
12/31/1907 |
Mayor (Archival) - Lane, Harry - Subject Files - A - Advocate Publishing Company |
AD/1534 |
02/05/1909 |
Mayor (Archival) - Simon, Joseph - Subject Files - A - correspondence |
AD/5991 |
12/31/1910 |
Mayor (Archival) - Albee, Harry Russell - Subject Files - 1913_Applications - Various Positions-The Advocate letter_A2000-003 |
AD/5992 |
12/31/1913 |
Mayor (Archival) - Albee, Harry Russell - Subject Files - Correspondence-U-Bar Raid |
AD/5985 |
02/08/1915 |
Mayor (Archival) - Albee, Harry Russell - Subject Files - Mayor Albee : National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) correspondence |
AD/3161 |
12/31/1915 |
Mayor (Archival) - Baker, George Luis - Subject Files - Celebrations-Correspondence [Bethel AME Church letter] |
AD/5993 |
12/31/1918 |
Planning - Planning (Archival) - Maps & Plans - Neighborhood as defined by foreign born and racial occupancy |
M/10411 |
12/31/1936 |
City Auditor - City Recorder - Council Minutes - Council Minutes (Regarding a Negro colony [Black community] in Albina) #4472 |
AD/6722 |
10/07/1942 |
City Auditor - City Recorder - Council Documents - Council Document #2381 (Returning protests against the settlement of Negroes in the Albina District) |
AD/6712 |
08/25/1943 |
Police - Historical/Archival - Police Historical/Archival Investigative Files - Digest of City Club report "The Negro in Portland July, 1945" |
AD/5382 |
07/31/1945 |
City Auditor - City Recorder - Council Documents - Council Document #2866 (Billy Webb Lodge application) |
AD/6715 |
05/29/1947 |
City Auditor - City Recorder - Council Minutes - Council Minutes #2866 (Billy Webb Lodge #1050) |
AD/6716 |
05/29/1947 |
City Auditor - City Recorder - Council Documents - Council Document #1835 (William McClendon letter regarding liquor license) |
AD/3164 |
04/01/1949 |
City Auditor - City Recorder - Council Minutes - Council Minutes #1835 (William McClendon letter regarding liquor license) |
AD/3162 |
04/07/1949 |
City Auditor - City Recorder - Council Minutes - Council Minutes #2685 (William McClendon letter regarding liquor license) |
AD/3163 |
05/05/1949 |
Defunct & Closed City Agencies (Archival) - Exposition Recreation Commission - Reports and Studies - Planning Commission Eliot School Neighborhood Study |
AF/11891 |
12/31/1952 |
Mayor (Archival) - Peterson, Fred L. - Subject Files - National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) |
AD/6411 |
12/31/1955 |
Planning - Planning (Archival) - Subject Files - Albina neighborhood improvement project : Tree Program Plan |
AF/169434 |
01/31/1961 |
City Auditor - Archives & Records Management - City Collections - Portland Development Commission (PDC) - Archival - Subject Files - Information Bulletins |
AF/186776 |
03/13/1961 |
City Auditor - Archives & Records Management - City Collections - Portland Development Commission (PDC) - Archival - Subject Files - Fact Sheet |
AF/186773 |
12/13/1961 |
Planning - Comprehensive Planning and District Planning - Comprehensive Plan Records - Census Tract Blight Analysis |
AF/20283 |
12/31/1961 |
City Auditor - Archives & Records Management - City Collections - Portland Development Commission (PDC) - Archival - Subject Files - Information Sheet |
AF/186775 |
07/06/1962 |
City Auditor - Archives & Records Management - City Collections - Portland Development Commission (PDC) - Archival - Subject Files - Albina Neighborhood Improvement Project : ANIIC-DOPE newsletters |
AF/180452 |
12/15/1963 |
City Auditor - Archives & Records Management - City Collections - Portland Development Commission (PDC) - Archival - Subject Files - Albina Neighborhood Improvement Project : Pamphlets |
AF/180459 |
12/31/1963 |
City Auditor - Archives & Records Management - City Collections - Portland Development Commission (PDC) - Archival - Subject Files - Handouts |
AF/186772 |
12/31/1963 |
City Auditor - Archives & Records Management - City Collections - Portland Development Commission (PDC) - Archival - Subject Files - Albina Neighborhood Improvement Project : ANIIC-DOPE newsletters |
AF/180453 |
12/31/1964 |
Police - Historical/Archival - Police Historical/Archival Investigative Files - Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC)_4-23-1965 Intelligence Report |
AD/6724 |
04/23/1965 |
Planning - Planning (Archival) - Collected Reports and Studies - Techniques for Measuring Blight |
AF/18257 |
05/31/1965 |
City Auditor - Archives & Records Management - City Collections - Portland Development Commission (PDC) - Archival - Subject Files - Albina Neighborhood Improvement Project : ANIIC-DOPE newsletters |
AF/180454 |
12/31/1965 |
City Auditor - Archives & Records Management - City Collections - Portland Development Commission (PDC) - Archival - Subject Files - Albina Neighborhood Improvement Project : ANIIC-DOPE - A partnership for renewal |
AF/180455 |
12/31/1967 |
City Auditor - Archives & Records Management - City Collections - Metropolitan Human Rights Commission (MHRC) - MHRC (Archival) - MHRC, Subject Files - Green Fingers Program |
AF/172778 |
05/16/1968 |
City Auditor - Archives & Records Management - City Collections - Model Cities - Model Cities (Archival) - Model Cities, Subject Files - Model Cities citizen planning for citizen needs - an interim report |
AF/71468 |
12/31/1968 |
Mayor (Archival) - Schrunk, Terry Doyle - Subject Files - "A Description of Inter-group Relations Problems in Portland and Challenges for 1968" and "Human Relations Commission of the City of Portland 1967" |
AD/554 |
12/31/1968 |
City Auditor - Archives & Records Management - City Collections - Portland Development Commission (PDC) - Archival - Subject Files - Emanuel Hospital Project Property with list of owners |
AD/6513 |
12/31/1969 |
City Auditor - Archives & Records Management - City Collections - Metropolitan Human Rights Commission (MHRC) - MHRC (Archival) - MHRC, Subject Files - Black coalition |
AF/172870 |
01/27/1970 |
Planning - Planning (Archival) - Subject Files - Emanuel hospital project : urban renewal plan, final revised copy |
AF/169685 |
07/13/1970 |
City Auditor - City Recorder - Council Minutes - Council Minutes #3700 (Emanuel Displaced Persons Association testimony) |
AD/3507 |
10/21/1970 |
City Auditor - City Recorder - Council Documents - Council Document #3700 (Emanuel Hospital Project) |
AD/3509 |
10/21/1970 |
Police - Historical/Archival - Police Historical/Archival Investigative Files - Black Panthers - 1/5 |
AF/146333 |
12/31/1970 |
Police - Historical/Archival - Police Historical/Archival Investigative Files - Black Panthers - 2/5 |
AF/146334 |
12/31/1970 |
City Auditor - Archives & Records Management - City Collections - Portland Development Commission (PDC) - Archival - Subject Files - Portland Model Cities : The economic condition of minority enterprise |
AF/182359 |
12/31/1970 |
City Auditor - Archives & Records Management - City Collections - Portland Development Commission (PDC) - Archival - Subject Files - Alphabetical List - Acquisition Parcel Ownership - Emanuel Hospital Project |
AD/6512 |
12/31/1970 |
City Auditor - Archives & Records Management - City Collections - Metropolitan Human Rights Commission (MHRC) - MHRC (Archival) - MHRC, Subject Files - Emanuel Hospital displaced persons : survey |
AF/172772 |
09/10/1971 |
City Auditor - Archives & Records Management - City Collections - Metropolitan Human Rights Commission (MHRC) - MHRC (Archival) - MHRC, Minutes - Metropolitan Human Relations Commission Minutes 1971 (portion of minutes related to Emanuel Displaced Persons Assoc-Jul 21 to Sep 15) |
AD/6522 |
09/15/1971 |
City Auditor - Archives & Records Management - City Collections - Metropolitan Human Rights Commission (MHRC) - MHRC (Archival) - MHRC, Subject Files - Emanuel Hospital displaced persons : agendas and minutes |
AF/172777 |
09/16/1971 |
City Auditor - Archives & Records Management - City Collections - Metropolitan Human Rights Commission (MHRC) - MHRC (Archival) - MHRC, Subject Files - Emanuel Hospital displaced persons : correspondence |
AF/172770 |
10/20/1971 |
City Auditor - Archives & Records Management - City Collections - Metropolitan Human Rights Commission (MHRC) - MHRC (Archival) - MHRC, Subject Files - Emanuel Hospital displaced persons : report and related material |
AF/172771 |
10/31/1971 |
City Auditor - Archives & Records Management - City Collections - Portland Development Commission (PDC) - Archival - Subject Files - Albina Neighborhood Improvement Project : Facts and chronology |
AF/180456 |
12/31/1972 |
Mayor (Archival) - McCready, Connie - Subject Files - Portland Profile: Newsletter of the Portland Development Commission ( PDC ) |
AF/35522 |
12/31/1973 |
Police - Historical/Archival - Police Historical/Archival Investigative Files - Black Panthers - 5/5 |
AF/146337 |
12/31/1973 |
City Auditor - Archives & Records Management - City Collections - Metropolitan Human Rights Commission (MHRC) - MHRC (Archival) - MHRC, Subject Files - Employment - reports and documents related to the employment of minority [marginalized] workers |
AF/172569 |
11/11/1975 |
1978_Charles Jordan-Neighborhood Policy Paper_A2000-010 |
12/ED/41163 |
12/31/1978 |
Neighborhood Involvement - Neighborhood Involvement (Archival) - Subject Files - Office of Neighborhood Associations memorandum [Black Neighborhood History] |
AD/6447 |
12/31/1978 |
Parks & Recreation - Parks and Recreation (Archival) - Subject Files - Neighborhood History Project [Future of NHP Collection memo] |
AD/3165 |
07/25/1979 |
Police - Historical/Archival - Police Historical/Archival Investigative Files - Black Panthers - 4/5 |
AF/146336 |
12/31/1979 |
Police - Historical/Archival - Police Historical/Archival Investigative Files - Intelligence : Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) |
AF/146791 |
12/31/1980 |
Police - Historical/Archival - Police Historical/Archival Investigative Files - Black Panthers Breakfast Program |
AF/146332 |
12/31/1982 |
Police - Historical/Archival - Police Historical/Archival Investigative Files - Black Panthers - 3/5 |
AF/146335 |
12/31/1983 |
Planning - Planning (Archival) - Collected Reports and Studies - History of Portland's African American Community 1805 to the Present |
AD/3166 |
12/31/1993 |