City Auditor - City Recorder - Council Documents - Finance - Miscellaneous - Railroad fund ordinance |
AF/183487 |
02/03/1869 |
City Auditor - City Recorder - Council Documents - Improvements - Surveys - Caruther's Addition and request for time extension on survey |
AF/183519 |
02/10/1869 |
City Auditor - City Recorder - Council Documents - Improvements - Streets and sidewalks - Ordinance for time and manner of improving Front Ave and 1st Ave |
AF/183516 |
02/10/1869 |
City Auditor - City Recorder - Council Documents - Improvements - Surveys - Surveyor estimate errors |
AF/183523 |
04/20/1869 |
City Auditor - City Recorder - Council Documents - Improvements - Street lighting - Newspaper notices regarding proposals to maintain street lamps |
AF/183505 |
04/27/1869 |
City Auditor - City Recorder - Council Documents - Parks - Contract with Northrup and Morgan to furnish shade trees in Public Square |
AF/183536 |
04/28/1869 |
City Auditor - City Recorder - Council Documents - Fire - Protection Engine Co. No. 4 - Ordinance authorizing purchase of site for engine house |
AF/183498 |
04/30/1869 |
City Auditor - City Recorder - Council Documents - Fire - Chief Engineer W. H. Weed's reports to council |
AF/183491 |
05/12/1869 |
City Auditor - City Recorder - Council Documents - Litigation - Correspondence to City Marshal J. H. Lappeus |
AF/183531 |
05/13/1869 |
City Auditor - City Recorder - Council Documents - Improvements - Streets and sidewalks - Newspaper notices about improvement projects |
AF/183510 |
05/26/1869 |
City Auditor - City Recorder - Council Documents - Fire - Newspaper notices |
AF/183495 |
05/26/1869 |
City Auditor - City Recorder - Council Documents - Improvements - Surveys - City Surveyor requests for time extension on surveys |
AF/183520 |
05/29/1869 |
City Auditor - City Recorder - Council Documents - Parks - Street Commissioner Sloan's order to send prisoners to Public Square |
AF/183539 |
05/31/1869 |
City Auditor - City Recorder - Council Documents - Improvements - Surveys - Committee on Streets and Public Property approval of City Surveyor account |
AF/183521 |
07/07/1869 |
City Auditor - City Recorder - Council Documents - Improvements - Streets and sidewalks - Refund for unlawfully collected money for improvement |
AF/183513 |
07/14/1869 |
City Auditor - City Recorder - Council Documents - Health - Small pox outbreak on ship from Hong Kong |
AF/183502 |
07/31/1869 |
City Auditor - City Recorder - Council Documents - Fire - Willamette Engine Co. No. 1 and construction of building adjoining engine house |
AF/183499 |
08/08/1869 |
City Auditor - City Recorder - Council Documents - Fire - Portland Water Company and city water |
AF/183496 |
08/11/1869 |
City Auditor - City Recorder - Council Documents - Licenses - Miscellaneous - Peddlers |
AF/183528 |
08/18/1869 |
City Auditor - City Recorder - Council Documents - Improvements - Surveys - Bill for filling on street monument at Front Ave and Yamhill St |
AF/183517 |
09/01/1869 |
City Auditor - City Recorder - Council Documents - Improvements - Streets and sidewalks - Petition to acquire horse to assist in work |
AF/183512 |
09/08/1869 |
City Auditor - City Recorder - Council Documents - Litigation - City Attorney's required attendance in court for appeal of Raleigh Heins |
AF/183530 |
10/13/1869 |
City Auditor - City Recorder - Council Documents - Litigation - Catherine and W. O'Hara vs. City of Portland |
AF/183534 |
10/27/1869 |
City Auditor - City Recorder - Council Documents - Litigation - Bill for legal services performed by Logan and Shattuck |
AF/183529 |
11/10/1869 |
City Auditor - City Recorder - Council Documents - Improvements - Surveys - Bills for purchased supplies |
AF/183518 |
11/10/1869 |
City Auditor - City Recorder - Council Documents - Fire - Protection Engine Co. No. 4 - Needed supplies and equipment repairs |
AF/183497 |
11/10/1869 |
City Auditor - City Recorder - Council Documents - Litigation - Suit of Nelson Northrup regarding street improvement |
AF/183533 |
11/14/1869 |
City Auditor - City Recorder - Council Documents - Improvements - Street lighting - Petitions to erect street lamps |
AF/183507 |
11/20/1869 |
City Auditor - City Recorder - Council Documents - Parks - Bill of E. Milwain for purchase of flag staff in Public Square |
AF/183878 |
12/07/1869 |
City Auditor - City Recorder - Council Documents - Fire - Willamette Engine Co. No. 1 - Needed supplies and repairs |
AF/183500 |
12/29/1869 |
City Auditor - City Recorder - Council Documents - Harbor - Permission granted to S. Coffin to construct wharf at Coffins Wharf and Front Ave |
AF/183501 |
12/31/1869 |
City Auditor - City Recorder - Council Documents - Improvements - Streets and sidewalks - Certification of completed construction |
AF/183509 |
12/31/1869 |
City Auditor - City Recorder - Council Documents - Improvements - Streets and sidewalks - Bills and receipts |
AF/183508 |
12/31/1869 |
City Auditor - City Recorder - Council Documents - Finance - Miscellaneous - Receipt of payment from Portland Road Company |
AF/183488 |
12/31/1869 |
City Auditor - City Recorder - Council Documents - Improvements - Streets and sidewalks - Ordinances |
AF/183511 |
12/31/1869 |
City Auditor - City Recorder - Council Documents - Improvements - Streets and sidewalks - Street grading |
AF/183515 |
12/31/1869 |
City Auditor - City Recorder - Council Documents - Improvements - Streets and sidewalks - Resolutions |
AF/183514 |
12/31/1869 |
City Auditor - City Recorder - Council Documents - Permits - Building - Petitions requesting permission to use streets for building purposes |
AF/183541 |
12/31/1869 |
City Auditor - City Recorder - Council Documents - Parks - Use of land claims for public parks |
AF/183540 |
12/31/1869 |
City Auditor - City Recorder - Council Documents - Parks - Fund for improvement of Public Square |
AF/183538 |
12/31/1869 |
City Auditor - City Recorder - Council Documents - Parks - Contract with Oregon Central Rail Road Company to build fence around Public Square |
AF/183537 |
12/31/1869 |
City Auditor - City Recorder - Council Documents - Litigation - Fines and expenses |
AF/183532 |
12/31/1869 |
City Auditor - City Recorder - Council Documents - Nuisances - Obstruction of light from lamp posts by nearby awning posts |
AF/183535 |
12/31/1869 |
City Auditor - City Recorder - Council Documents - Improvements - Surveys - Resolutions instructing City Surveyor on plots and surveys |
AF/183522 |
12/31/1869 |
City Auditor - City Recorder - Council Documents - Licenses - Miscellaneous - Insurance brokers |
AF/183527 |
12/31/1869 |
City Auditor - City Recorder - Council Documents - Licenses - Miscellaneous - Bill paid to City Treasury for violation of license ordinance |
AF/183526 |
12/31/1869 |
City Auditor - City Recorder - Council Documents - Licenses - General - Ordinance establishing quarterly report of issued licenses to City Marshal |
AF/183525 |
12/31/1869 |
City Auditor - City Recorder - Council Documents - Licenses - General - Newspaper notices for city license fee due dates |
AF/183524 |
12/31/1869 |
City Auditor - City Recorder - Council Documents - Fire - Fire hydrant construction |
AF/183494 |
12/31/1869 |
City Auditor - City Recorder - Council Documents - Improvements - Street lighting - C. H. Myers bill for services to street lamps |
AF/183506 |
12/31/1869 |
City Auditor - City Recorder - Council Documents - Finance - Miscellaneous - Resolution and correspondence regarding bills |
AF/183489 |
12/31/1869 |
City Auditor - City Recorder - Council Documents - Fire - Bills for purchased supplies and services |
AF/183490 |
12/31/1869 |
City Auditor - City Recorder - Council Documents - Fire - Cistern and hydrant maintenance and construction |
AF/183492 |
12/31/1869 |
City Auditor - City Recorder - Council Documents - Fire - Columbian Engine Co. No. 3 - Needed supplies and repairs |
AF/183493 |
12/31/1869 |
City Auditor - City Recorder - Council Documents - Improvements - Sewers - Maintenance |
AF/183503 |
12/31/1869 |
City Auditor - City Recorder - Council Documents - Improvements - Street lighting - Resolutions on street lamps |
AF/183504 |
12/31/1869 |