City Auditor - City Recorder - Council Documents - Parks - Payment for flagstaff maintenance at Public Square |
AF/182966 |
01/03/1867 |
City Auditor - City Recorder - Council Documents - Licenses - Miscellaneous - Peddler's licenses |
AF/182955 |
02/07/1867 |
City Auditor - City Recorder - Council Documents - Improvements - Streets and sidewalks - Sidewalk and crosswalk at Block 132 |
AF/182889 |
03/08/1867 |
City Auditor - City Recorder - Council Documents - Improvements - Streets and sidewalks - Repairs to Front Ave formerly occupied by bridge |
AF/182891 |
03/15/1867 |
City Auditor - City Recorder - Council Documents - Permits - Miscellaneous - Refusal to grant petitioner use of Alder St to Willamette River for material loading and unloading |
AF/182970 |
03/22/1867 |
City Auditor - City Recorder - Council Documents - Litigation - City Recorder monthly pay statement |
AF/182959 |
03/31/1867 |
City Auditor - City Recorder - Council Documents - Licenses - General - Newspaper notice for license payment due date |
AF/182949 |
04/06/1867 |
City Auditor - City Recorder - Council Documents - Licenses - Liquor - Petitions for transference of liquor license |
AF/182952 |
05/01/1867 |
City Auditor - City Recorder - Council Documents - Permits - Miscellaneous - Petition to dig sink under sidewalk for waste water |
AF/182968 |
05/22/1867 |
City Auditor - City Recorder - Council Documents - Parks - Mowing and disposal of grass at The Plaza |
AF/182965 |
06/26/1867 |
City Auditor - City Recorder - Council Documents - Litigation - City Attorney monthly pay statements |
AF/182958 |
07/01/1867 |
City Auditor - City Recorder - Council Documents - Improvements - Streets and sidewalks - Mcadamizing Burnside St |
AF/182882 |
07/10/1867 |
City Auditor - City Recorder - Council Documents - Improvements - Streets and sidewalks - Newspaper notices |
AF/182883 |
07/10/1867 |
City Auditor - City Recorder - Council Documents - Improvements - Streets and sidewalks - 1st Ave between Madison St and Harrison St |
AF/182871 |
08/13/1867 |
City Auditor - City Recorder - Council Documents - Parks - Replacement of gates to the Public Square with turn stiles |
AF/182967 |
09/11/1867 |
City Auditor - City Recorder - Council Documents - Improvements - Streets and sidewalks - Petitions for street grade changes |
AF/182888 |
09/18/1867 |
City Auditor - City Recorder - Council Documents - Improvements - Surveys - Ordinance for assessment of 4th Ave |
AF/182944 |
09/25/1867 |
City Auditor - City Recorder - Council Documents - Licenses - Liquor - Petition for reduction of liquor license fees |
AF/182950 |
09/25/1867 |
City Auditor - City Recorder - Council Documents - Improvements - Streets and sidewalks - Alder St between Front Ave and 7th Ave |
AF/182873 |
10/02/1867 |
City Auditor - City Recorder - Council Documents - Improvements - Streets and sidewalks - Petition for Nicholson Pavement on 3rd Ave between Alder St and Madison St |
AF/182890 |
10/09/1867 |
City Auditor - City Recorder - Council Documents - Permits - Miscellaneous - Portland Water Company petition to construct temporary sidewalk |
AF/182969 |
10/10/1867 |
City Auditor - City Recorder - Council Documents - Licenses - General - Invoice for city license book printing |
AF/182948 |
10/16/1867 |
City Auditor - City Recorder - Council Documents - Improvements - Streets and sidewalks - Amount owed by property owners for work at Front Ave and Jefferson St |
AF/182874 |
10/23/1867 |
City Auditor - City Recorder - Council Documents - Improvements - Streets and sidewalks - Crosswalks and sidewalks on 3rd Ave |
AF/182875 |
10/23/1867 |
City Auditor - City Recorder - Council Documents - Improvements - Surveys - Payment for shelving for City Surveyor's office |
AF/182945 |
11/25/1867 |
City Auditor - City Recorder - Council Documents - Improvements - Streets and sidewalks - Grade change at 5th Ave and Everett St |
AF/182879 |
11/27/1867 |
City Auditor - City Recorder - Council Documents - Improvements - Streets and sidewalks - Invoices |
AF/182880 |
12/31/1867 |
City Auditor - City Recorder - Council Documents - Improvements - Streets and sidewalks - Jefferson St and Front Ave repair after storm |
AF/182881 |
12/31/1867 |
City Auditor - City Recorder - Council Documents - Improvements - Streets and sidewalks - 2nd Ave |
AF/182872 |
12/31/1867 |
City Auditor - City Recorder - Council Documents - Improvements - Streets and sidewalks - Extension and opening of Morrison St |
AF/182876 |
12/31/1867 |
City Auditor - City Recorder - Council Documents - Improvements - Streets and sidewalks - Filling of ravine on Front Ave between Madison St and Jefferson St |
AF/182877 |
12/31/1867 |
City Auditor - City Recorder - Council Documents - Improvements - Streets and sidewalks - Grade change of 4th Ave from Harrison St to Lincoln St |
AF/182878 |
12/31/1867 |
City Auditor - City Recorder - Council Documents - Improvements - Streets and sidewalks - Ordinances |
AF/182884 |
12/31/1867 |
City Auditor - City Recorder - Council Documents - Improvements - Streets and sidewalks - Payment for services on projects |
AF/182885 |
12/31/1867 |
City Auditor - City Recorder - Council Documents - Improvements - Streets and sidewalks - Petitions for and against street improvement projects |
AF/182886 |
12/31/1867 |
City Auditor - City Recorder - Council Documents - Improvements - Streets and sidewalks - Petition for filling of gulch on Front Ave |
AF/182887 |
12/31/1867 |
City Auditor - City Recorder - Council Documents - Improvements - Surveys - Survey to open Alder St and extend Morrison St from public park |
AF/182941 |
12/31/1867 |
City Auditor - City Recorder - Council Documents - Improvements - Surveys - City surveyor cost estimate of grading and sidewalks on 3rd Ave between Alder St and Harrison St |
AF/182942 |
12/31/1867 |
City Auditor - City Recorder - Council Documents - Improvements - Surveys - Condition of Swan Island bar |
AF/182943 |
12/31/1867 |
City Auditor - City Recorder - Council Documents - Nuisances - Request for neighbor's removal of obstruction on Alder St |
AF/182964 |
12/31/1867 |
City Auditor - City Recorder - Council Documents - Litigation - Witness fees |
AF/182963 |
12/31/1867 |
City Auditor - City Recorder - Council Documents - Litigation - Recorder's Court fees |
AF/182962 |
12/31/1867 |
City Auditor - City Recorder - Council Documents - Litigation - Petition for fee refund |
AF/182961 |
12/31/1867 |
City Auditor - City Recorder - Council Documents - Litigation - Juror's fees bill |
AF/182960 |
12/31/1867 |
City Auditor - City Recorder - Council Documents - Litigation - Bills |
AF/182957 |
12/31/1867 |
City Auditor - City Recorder - Council Documents - Licenses - Miscellaneous - Request for waiving of late license fee fine |
AF/182956 |
12/31/1867 |
City Auditor - City Recorder - Council Documents - Improvements - Miscellaneous - Newspaper notices |
AF/182954 |
12/31/1867 |
City Auditor - City Recorder - Council Documents - Licenses - Miscellaneous - Auction sale restrictions |
AF/182953 |
12/31/1867 |
City Auditor - City Recorder - Council Documents - Improvements - Streets and sidewalks |
AF/182870 |
12/31/1867 |
City Auditor - City Recorder - Council Documents - Improvements - Surveys - Payment to city surveyor and assistants for services rendered |
AF/182946 |
12/31/1867 |
City Auditor - City Recorder - Council Documents - Licenses - Liquor - Amendment to ordinance regarding regulation of licenses |
AF/182947 |
12/31/1867 |
City Auditor - City Recorder - Council Documents - Licenses - Liquor - Approval of reimbursement for liquor license fee |
AF/182951 |
12/31/1867 |