City Auditor - Archives & Records Management - Auditor's Historical Records - Act to incorporate the City of Portland |
AF/195027 |
04/30/1851 |
City Auditor - Archives & Records Management - Auditor's Historical Records - Recorders Docket for the Recorders Court in the City of Portland |
AF/195026 |
07/14/1853 |
City Auditor - Archives & Records Management - Auditor's Historical Records - Act to incorporate the City of Portland |
AF/195028 |
06/30/1854 |
City Auditor - Archives & Records Management - Auditor's Historical Records - Portland Oregon Volunteer muster |
AF/195030 |
04/28/1856 |
City Auditor - Archives & Records Management - Auditor's Historical Records - Council minutes |
AF/195031 |
04/21/1857 |
City Auditor - Archives & Records Management - Auditor's Historical Records - Council minutes |
AF/195032 |
04/28/1857 |
City Auditor - Archives & Records Management - Auditor's Historical Records - Statements of loss due to Portland's Great Fire |
AF/195034 |
08/31/1873 |
City Auditor - Archives & Records Management - Auditor's Historical Records - Draft of assessment of the burnt district in the City of Portland : August 1873 |
AF/195033 |
08/31/1873 |
City Auditor - Archives & Records Management - Auditor's Historical Records - Poll book : General election in the Couch Precinct |
AF/195035 |
08/05/1876 |
City Auditor - Archives & Records Management - Auditor's Historical Records - Property assessment statements |
AF/195036 |
10/09/1891 |
City Auditor - Archives & Records Management - Auditor's Historical Records - Board of City Hall Commissioners account statements |
AF/195037 |
01/18/1896 |
City Auditor - Archives & Records Management - Auditor's Historical Records - Letters from Mayor Pennoyer to City Attorney Cake |
AF/195038 |
08/29/1897 |
City Auditor - Archives & Records Management - Auditor's Historical Records - Poll book : Election in the Willbridge Precinct |
AF/195040 |
12/08/1914 |
City Auditor - Archives & Records Management - Auditor's Historical Records - Council document 1786 : Findings of the council investigation into the construction of the NE Willow St and NE 82nd Ave Trunk Sewer (Montavilla Sewer) |
AF/195048 |
05/03/1916 |
City Auditor - Archives & Records Management - Auditor's Historical Records - Ordinance 86617 : Amend certain section of Fire Code regarding inspections, permits and fees |
AF/195041 |
01/29/1948 |