Metropolitan Human Relations Commission (MHRC) press releases
Sunday, January 1, 1967
Tuesday, December 31, 1991
To Date is circa. Includes documents related to the duties of the MHRC; the city income tax; the city's contract compliance ordinance; human rights week; fair housing month; civil disorders; the attendance area and transfer program; committee appointments; housing discrimination; family violence; the Burnside Consortium; the Neighborhood Information Program; a proposed boycott of Portland schools by the Black United Front; Portland Development Commission (PDC) home rehabilitation loans; the Minority Census Task Force; Iranian residents in Oregon; the Community Coalition for School Integration; school desegregation; the Coalition on Police/Community Relations; the Portland chapter of the National Anti-Klan Network (PNAKN); the "possum" or opossum incident involving Portland police officers Ward and Gallaway; pretrial release; Disabled Awareness Week; the new access ramp to the Central Library; multicultural teacher education; the disability project; the death penalty; the internment of Japanese-Americans; hate crimes; and the State Youth Gangs Task Force. Flemming, Arthur S