Metropolitan Human Relations Commission (MHRC) Education Committee correspondence
Monday, December 6, 1982
Monday, April 2, 1984
Includes documents and correspondence related to city-school policy; the Alternative Programs Committee; desegregation; hiring practices; busing anti-busing leglislation; multicultural education; a multicultural education survey; Senate Bill 2956 regarding busing; Portland State University's ROTC program and allegations of discrimination; Portland State University's affirmative action plan; and the Tubman Middle School Composition Award. Also includes an address by Matthew W. Prophet to the Board of Education concerning the proposed modified plan for the formation of Jackson School District; and comments by Gregory L. Gudger at the NAACP Northwest area conference regarding quality education. Dozono, Sho; Broussard, Camille; LaGuardia, Armando; Wyden, Ron; AuCoin, Les; Packwood, Bob Oregon Math Equity Network