A2001-045.625 : budding ballerinas
Sunday, September 2, 1945
Black and white
8 X 10
Text on back of photo: "By-Line Features from International News Photos, a unit of King Features Synd Inc., 235 East 45th st. NY, NY. Syndicating prohibited. This photograph is not sold but a license is granted for its publication as a news photograph only. It must not be loaned or sold without our consent and must be returned at our request. It can be used for advertising purposes or for purposes of trade only if you first secure the written permission of the individuals appearing in it." "For release September 2, 1945. Budding Ballerinas, photo by Sonnee Gottlieb. Teacher Shows... Many a teacher can instruct in the method, but cannot perform herself. Steffi Nossen does not fit in this category. She sets a high mark for her students to shoot at here as she performs a leap through the air with the grace and perfection of form usually found only in the gazelle or the springbok."