Southeast Portland Aerials
Monday, May 3, 1971
The majority of these images are taken of : SE 52nd Ave & SE Division St ; SE Holgate & SE Milwaukie ; Sellwood along SE 17th Ave. Visible in these images : Southeast Portland ; SE Holgate area ; SE 60th Ave and Division ; Reservoir 2 ; Franklin High School ; Clinton Park ; Mt Tabor ; Reservoir 6 ; Westmoreland ; Sellwood ; SE Milwaukie Ave ; SE 17th Ave ; Sellwood Middle School ; SE Center & Se 17th Ave ; SE Holgate & SE Milwaukie ; SE 17th Ave and SE Bybee ; Brooklyn School Park ; SE McLoughlin & SE Holgate ; Ross Island ; Oaks Bottom ; SE 17th Ave & SE Ochoco St ; Westmoreland park. Neighborhoods : Moreland Sellwood Neighborhood ; Brooklyn Neighborhood ; South Tabor Neighborhood ; Mt. Tabor Neighborhood Also includes an image of the I-405 [Stadium Freeway] Construction and Fremont Bridge Construction. Image taken from NW Everett St looking down I-405 towards the river. Also includes an image of NE Portland : NE 33rd Ave ; 33rd Ave onramp onto Columbia Blvd ; John Adams High School [Whiteaker Middle School] ; Fernhill Park ; Kennedy School ; Concordia Neighborhood. Visible in the background : Columbia River ; Portland International Airport.