Water and Sewer - southwest water reservoir sites, 1968 - 1971 job # 6319
Friday, January 1, 1960
Saturday, December 31, 1966
Request for additional storage sites, in Southwest Portland and St. Johns area and information on possible sites for these tanks. A list of Reservoir sites needed : Westwood ; Burlingame - Collins ; Vermont Hills ; St. Johns ; Forest Park ; Rocky Butte. 1968 article regarding the coating of the inside and out of water storage tanks. Brochure Water Supply Portland, Oregon 1965 includes a panoramic view of the water system. The Bull Run Story Images : Portland Heights water tank ; Council Crest park and tank ; unknown tank site Maps : Forest Park water supply Skyline Blvd plan & profile exhibit LR 4 ; Westwood Reservoir sites job 6319 map No. 2 and 3, shows existing site and suggested sites ; Vermont Hills Park ; Ridge North of Vermont Sites ; Ridge South of Vermont sites; Burlingame Reservoir sites ; St. John's area topography