

Type III Historic Resource Review for adaptive reuse project to convert the individually listed National Register Landmark Anna Lewis Mann, Old People’s Home from an existing 53,000 SF group living complex into affordable housing. The 3-acre site consists of the original U-shaped red brick building that was constructed in 1910 as well as an eastern wing built in 1953 and a west addition constructed in 1993. The project will convert the existing buildings into affordable housing and add a new 32,000 SF building in the northeast area of the site in proximity to the 1953 wing as well as a new 32,000 SF building at the south end of the site replacing surface parking. In total, 129 new units will be created. The total on-site parking will be increased from the existing 40 surface parking spaces to 71 spaces that will be a mix of surface and tuck-under parking. Modifications to on-site circulation system requirements, main entrance requirements, and maximum building length requirements are requested.

Thursday, November 5, 2020 at 5:53 PM


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