Farmers Market Study 2008
Farmers markets are a key ingredient in Portland’s renowned food culture. Enthusiasm for fresh and local food has sparked the growth of Portland farmers markets from one small market in 1991 to 14 markets and $11.2 million in sales for the 2007 market season. A recent report, Growing Portland’s Farmers Markets/Direct-Market Economic Analysis, details a $17 million regional economic impact and estimates that farmers markets account for three percent of annual countywide consumer purchases of fruit and vegetables. The report is an in-depth study of current market conditions, including supply and demand. It examines characteristics of successful markets, identifies underserved areas, analyzes the markets’ economic impact, and offers recommendations for an expanded City role in fostering market growth. All Portland market managers, over 50 local farmers, and peer communities were consulted. Contact Steve Cohen, BPS Food Policy (retired 2018)
Friday, July 26, 2019 at 11:37:41 AM