Front St : Correspondence and a plan relating to improvements made to Front St [NW and SW Front Ave] and construction of the Front St intercepting sewer
Wednesday, November 26, 1930
Thursday, November 5, 1931
Correspondence between City Officials, property owners and other interested parties. Includes a plan produced by the Portland Downtown Association for various road improvements around Portland and a report by City Engineer, Olaf Laurgaard, concerning proposed major improvements to Front St. Burchard & Fisken, Inc.; Durkee's Famous Foods, Inc.; Eastern and Western Lumber Company; First National Bank of Portland; Furness Line; Furness (Pacific) Limited; Great Northern Railway Company; Municipal Paving Plant; Northern Pacific Terminal Company of Oregon; Oregon - Washington Railway & Navigation Company; Portland Downtown Association; Port of Portland; Waterfront Citizens Committee Apperson, Louis G.; Barbur, Asbury Lincoln; Dulin, Robert S.; Funk, George R.; Grant, Frank S.; Laurgaard, Olaf; Polhemus, James H.; Schuele, Louis F.; Stanley, Orrin E.; Lange, Leo R.