City Auditor - City Recorder - Council Ordinance - 4833 - An ordinance authorizing an expenditure out of the appropriation for repairing sewers.
AF/47820 |
04/08/1886 |
City Auditor - City Recorder - Council Ordinance - 4832 - An ordinance making a transfer from the General Fund to the fund for the payment of interest on debt.
AF/47819 |
04/08/1886 |
City Auditor - City Recorder - Council Ordinance - 4831 |
AF/47818 |
04/08/1886 |
City Auditor - City Recorder - Council Ordinance - 4840 - An ordinance amending section 1 of Ordinance No. 3688, entitled "An ordinance relating to certain animals and fowls, and prohibiting their running at large within certain limits."
AF/47827 |
04/08/1886 |
City Auditor - City Recorder - Council Ordinance - 4838 - An ordinance authorizing the Superintendent of Streets to employ a deputy and fixing his salary.
AF/47825 |
04/08/1886 |
City Auditor - City Recorder - Council Ordinance - 4836 - An ordinance providing for the time and manner of improving N. 18th St from the North line of "M" St to the South line of Sherlocks Addition to the City of Portland.
AF/47823 |
04/08/1886 |
City Auditor - City Recorder - Council Ordinance - 4837 - An ordinance making a transfer from the General Fund to the 13th St Extension Fund.
AF/47824 |
04/10/1886 |
City Auditor - City Recorder - Council Ordinance - 4839 - An ordinance making a transfer from the General Fund to the fund for the improvement of Porter St from the East line of S. First St to the center of Hood St
AF/47826 |
04/10/1886 |
City Auditor - City Recorder - Council Ordinance - 4835 - An ordinance authorizing George W Weilder and Robert Irving and their assigns to construct and maintain and operate street railways in the City of Portland.
AF/47822 |
04/15/1886 |
City Auditor - City Recorder - Council Ordinance - 4844 |
AF/47831 |
04/16/1886 |
City Auditor - City Recorder - Council Ordinance - 4843 |
AF/47830 |
04/16/1886 |
City Auditor - City Recorder - Council Ordinance - 4842 |
AF/47829 |
04/16/1886 |
City Auditor - City Recorder - Council Ordinance - 4841 - An ordinance authorizing an improvement within the Fire Limits.
AF/47828 |
04/16/1886 |
City Auditor - City Recorder - Council Ordinance - 4848 - An ordinance to prevent and punish the keeping and storing of hides of animals so as to constitute a nuisance.
AF/47835 |
04/16/1886 |
City Auditor - City Recorder - Council Ordinance - 4847 - An ordinance to amend section 4 of Ordinance No. 3004 entitled "An ordinance to protect the public health and to prevent the spread of dangerous contageous diseases" approved February 23, 1881.
AF/47834 |
04/16/1886 |
City Auditor - City Recorder - Council Ordinance - 4846 - An ordinance making a transfer from the General Fund to the Fund for the opening of N 3rd St from "H" St to N Front St
AF/47833 |
04/16/1886 |
City Auditor - City Recorder - Council Ordinance - 4845 - An ordinance making an appropriation out of the Fund for the opening of N 3rd St from "H" St to N Front St [Naito Pkwy] and directing the drawing of warrants thereon
AF/47832 |
04/16/1886 |
City Auditor - City Recorder - Council Ordinance - 4852 |
AF/47839 |
05/03/1886 |
City Auditor - City Recorder - Council Ordinance - 4851 |
AF/47838 |
05/03/1886 |
City Auditor - City Recorder - Council Ordinance - 4850 - An ordinance making an appropriation out of the Fund for the construction of a sewer in Yamhill St
AF/47837 |
05/03/1886 |
City Auditor - City Recorder - Council Ordinance - 4859 - An ordinance adopting the report of the City Surveyor in the matter of the proposed extension of Multnomah St Southerly from its present Southern terminus to the South boundary line of the City of Portland.
AF/47846 |
05/13/1886 |
City Auditor - City Recorder - Council Ordinance - 4858 |
AF/47845 |
05/13/1886 |
City Auditor - City Recorder - Council Ordinance - 4857 - An ordinance to prevent bribery.
AF/47844 |
05/13/1886 |
City Auditor - City Recorder - Council Ordinance - 4856 - An ordinance authorizing a loan for a term of years providing for the manner of issuing bonds therefor and the time and manner of paying the same and authorizing the sale thereof.
AF/47843 |
05/13/1886 |
City Auditor - City Recorder - Council Ordinance - 4855 - An ordinance changing the name of Portland St and declaring it to be a part of Corbett St
AF/47842 |
05/13/1886 |
City Auditor - City Recorder - Council Ordinance - 4854 - An ordinance changing and establishing the grade of Williams and S. Front Streets.
AF/47841 |
05/13/1886 |
City Auditor - City Recorder - Council Ordinance - 4864 |
AF/47851 |
05/20/1886 |
City Auditor - City Recorder - Council Ordinance - 4863 - An ordinance making an appropriation out of the General Fund for the relief of Scheurer and Coyne.
AF/47850 |
05/20/1886 |
City Auditor - City Recorder - Council Ordinance - 4862 - An ordinance making an appropriation out of the General Fund for the relief of Charles Cardinell.
AF/47849 |
05/20/1886 |
City Auditor - City Recorder - Council Ordinance - 4861 - An ordinance to amend section 1 of Ordinance No. 4599 entitled "An ordinance to regulate the time and manner of letting contracts for street work and accepting the same when completed" approved May 22, 1885.
AF/47848 |
05/20/1886 |
City Auditor - City Recorder - Council Ordinance - 4860 - An ordinance authorizing a contract with A. J. Spicer.
AF/47847 |
05/20/1886 |
City Auditor - City Recorder - Council Ordinance - 4865 |
AF/47852 |
05/28/1886 |
City Auditor - City Recorder - Council Ordinance - 4871 - An ordinance making an appropriation out of the General Fund for the relief of W. T. Scholl.
AF/47858 |
06/03/1886 |
City Auditor - City Recorder - Council Ordinance - 4870 - An ordinance designating the "Portland Daily News" the official paper of the City of Portland.
AF/47857 |
06/03/1886 |
City Auditor - City Recorder - Council Ordinance - 4868 - An ordinance making an appropriation out of the General Fund to provide for the payment of a temporary loan.
AF/47855 |
06/03/1886 |
City Auditor - City Recorder - Council Ordinance - 4867 |
AF/47854 |
06/03/1886 |
City Auditor - City Recorder - Council Ordinance - 4866 - An ordinance making an appropriation out of the Fund for the construction of a sewer in "D" St
AF/47853 |
06/03/1886 |
City Auditor - City Recorder - Council Ordinance - 4873 - An ordinance authorizing the employment of a Park Keeper and defining his duties.
AF/47860 |
06/03/1886 |
City Auditor - City Recorder - Council Ordinance - 4872 - An ordinance making an appropriation out of the General Fund for the relief of George Wager.
AF/47859 |
06/03/1886 |
City Auditor - City Recorder - Council Ordinance - 4869 - An ordinance authorizing the Committee on Accounts and Current Expenses to enter into a contract for printing.
AF/47856 |
06/04/1886 |
City Auditor - City Recorder - Council Ordinance - 4881 - An ordinance to amend Ordinance No. 4700 entitled "An ordinance to amend section 36 of Ordinance No. 3983 entitled 'An ordinance concerning offenses and disorderly conduct.'"
AF/47868 |
06/17/1886 |
City Auditor - City Recorder - Council Ordinance - 4880 - An ordinance amending section 16 of Ordinance No. 2958 entitled "An ordinance to impose and regulate licenses and regulating the manner of issuing licenses" approved December 29, 1880.
AF/47867 |
06/17/1886 |
City Auditor - City Recorder - Council Ordinance - 4879 - An ordinance making an appropriation out of the General Fund for the relief of the Jewish Beth Israel Synagogue Association.
AF/47866 |
06/17/1886 |
City Auditor - City Recorder - Council Ordinance - 4878 - An ordinance to amend section 1 of Ordinance No. 4627 entitled "An ordinance to license and regulate places where intoxicating liquors are sold not to be drank on the premises for the purpose of city revenue" approved July 1, 1885.
AF/47865 |
06/17/1886 |
City Auditor - City Recorder - Council Ordinance - 4877 - An ordinance providing for the time and manner of improving "S" St from the West line of N 19th St [NW 19th Ave] to the West line of N 22nd St [NW 22nd Ave].
AF/47864 |
06/17/1886 |
City Auditor - City Recorder - Council Ordinance - 4876 - An ordinance directing the drawing of a warrant in payment for improvement of streets in front of public property.
AF/47863 |
06/17/1886 |
City Auditor - City Recorder - Council Ordinance - 4875 - An ordinance authorizing and providing for the codification and printing of the ordinances of the City of Portland.
AF/47862 |
06/17/1886 |
City Auditor - City Recorder - Council Ordinance - 4874 - An ordinance to ratify the contract entered into by the Committee on Streets and Public Property with Ofeldt Bros for erecting and keeping in repair street lamps
AF/47861 |
06/17/1886 |
City Auditor - City Recorder - Council Ordinance - 4883 - An ordinance providing for the time and manner of improving Sherman St from the West line of S. Fifth St to a line 220 feet Westerly from and parallel with the West line of S. Sixth St
AF/47870 |
07/08/1886 |
City Auditor - City Recorder - Council Ordinance - 4882 - An ordinance making a transfer from the General Fund to the fund for the improvement of the Willamette River.
AF/47869 |
07/08/1886 |
City Auditor - City Recorder - Council Ordinance - 4893 - An ordinance providing for the time and manner of improving Jackson St from the West line of Fifth St to the East line of E. Park St
AF/47880 |
07/22/1886 |
City Auditor - City Recorder - Council Ordinance - 4892 - An ordinance adopting the report of the City Surveyor in the matter of the proposed extension of Kelly St Southerly from its present Southern terminus over and across the "Old Cemetery" to the Northern end of Douglas St
AF/47879 |
07/22/1886 |
City Auditor - City Recorder - Council Ordinance - 4889 - An ordinance making an appropriation out of the Fund for the improvement of N. 18th St
AF/47876 |
07/22/1886 |
City Auditor - City Recorder - Council Ordinance - 4888 |
AF/47875 |
07/22/1886 |
City Auditor - City Recorder - Council Ordinance - 4887 - An ordinance making an appropriation out of the Fund for the construction of a sewer in Pine St
AF/47874 |
07/22/1886 |
City Auditor - City Recorder - Council Ordinance - 4886 - An ordinance accepting the sewer constructed in Pine and "A" Streets by John Gibson under the provisions of Ordinance No. 4852 and directing the drawing of a warrant in payment thereof.
AF/47873 |
07/22/1886 |
City Auditor - City Recorder - Council Ordinance - 4885 |
AF/47872 |
07/22/1886 |
City Auditor - City Recorder - Council Ordinance - 4884 - An ordinance making an appropriation out of the General Fund for sprinkling streets.
AF/47871 |
07/22/1886 |
City Auditor - City Recorder - Council Ordinance - 4896 - An ordinance making an appropriation out of the General Fund for the relief of Belissis and Gakin.
AF/47883 |
08/05/1886 |
City Auditor - City Recorder - Council Ordinance - 4895 - An ordinance providing for the time and manner of improving Morrison St from the West line of Front St to the West line of Ninth St
AF/47882 |
08/05/1886 |
City Auditor - City Recorder - Council Ordinance - 4894 |
AF/47881 |
08/05/1886 |
City Auditor - City Recorder - Council Ordinance - 4897 - An ordinance to authorize the release of certain real estate held under sale by the Chief of Police for delinquent assessment for the construction of the sewer in Montgomery St from E. Park St to the West line of 11th St
AF/47884 |
08/13/1886 |
City Auditor - City Recorder - Council Ordinance - 4900 |
AF/47887 |
08/18/1886 |
City Auditor - City Recorder - Council Ordinance - 4899 - An ordinance accepting the sewer constructed in Columbia St by M. Canan under the provisions of Ordinance No. 4851, and directing the drawing of a warrant in payment thereof.
AF/47886 |
08/19/1886 |
City Auditor - City Recorder - Council Ordinance - 4898 - An ordinance making an appropriation out of the fund for the construction of a sewer in Columbia St
AF/47885 |
08/19/1886 |
City Auditor - City Recorder - Council Ordinance - 4902 - An ordinance to amend section 2 of Ordinance No. 3688 entitled "An ordinance relating to certain animals and fowls and prohibiting their running at large within certain limits and repealing Ordinance No. 4717."
AF/47889 |
08/19/1886 |
City Auditor - City Recorder - Council Ordinance - 4901 - An ordinance to amend section 43 of Ordinance No. 3983 entitled "An ordinance concerning offenses and disorderly conduct" approved October 13, 1883.
AF/47888 |
08/19/1886 |
City Auditor - City Recorder - Council Ordinance - 4908 - An ordinance making an appropriation out of the General Fund for the pay of street viewers.
AF/47895 |
09/08/1886 |
City Auditor - City Recorder - Council Ordinance - 4907 |
AF/47894 |
09/08/1886 |
City Auditor - City Recorder - Council Ordinance - 4906 - An ordinance to provide for the time and manner of constructing a sewer in W. Park St from a point 100 feet South of the South line of South St to connect with Harrison St sewer at the expense of the property benefitted.
AF/47893 |
09/08/1886 |
City Auditor - City Recorder - Council Ordinance - 4905 |
AF/47892 |
09/08/1886 |
City Auditor - City Recorder - Council Ordinance - 4903 - An ordinance relating to the moving of buildings.
AF/47890 |
09/08/1886 |
City Auditor - City Recorder - Council Ordinance - 4922 - An ordinance to provide for the time and manner of constructing a sewer in 4th St [SW 4th Ave] from a point 120 feet north of the north line of Lincoln St to the Harrison St Sewer at the expense of the property benefitted.
AF/47909 |
09/17/1886 |
City Auditor - City Recorder - Council Ordinance - 4921 - An ordinance making an appropriation out of the Harrison St Sewer Fund.
AF/47908 |
09/17/1886 |
City Auditor - City Recorder - Council Ordinance - 4920 - An ordinance making an appropriation out of the fund for the improvement of Sherman St
AF/47907 |
09/17/1886 |
City Auditor - City Recorder - Council Ordinance - 4919 |
AF/47906 |
09/17/1886 |
City Auditor - City Recorder - Council Ordinance - 4918 - An ordinance making an appropriation out of the fund for the improvement of Jackson St
AF/47905 |
09/17/1886 |
City Auditor - City Recorder - Council Ordinance - 4917 - An ordinance declaring the probable cost of improving Jackson St from the West line of Fifth St to the East line of E. Park St, assessing the same and directing an entry of such assessment in the docket of City liens.
AF/47904 |
09/17/1886 |
City Auditor - City Recorder - Council Ordinance - 4916 - An ordinance in relation to dogs.
AF/47903 |
09/17/1886 |
City Auditor - City Recorder - Council Ordinance - 4915 - An ordinance providing for the time and manner of improving N. Seventh St from the North line of "A" St to N. Front St
AF/47902 |
09/17/1886 |
City Auditor - City Recorder - Council Ordinance - 4913 - An ordinance authorizing a redemption to certain real property sold at Chief of Police sale for delinquent street assessment
AF/47900 |
09/17/1886 |
City Auditor - City Recorder - Council Ordinance - 4912 - An ordinance authorizing a contract with McKercher and Thompson for furnishing the city with stationery.
AF/47899 |
09/17/1886 |
City Auditor - City Recorder - Council Ordinance - 4911 - An ordinance making an appropriation out of the General Fund for sprinkling streets.
AF/47898 |
09/17/1886 |
City Auditor - City Recorder - Council Ordinance - 4910 |
AF/47897 |
09/17/1886 |
City Auditor - City Recorder - Council Ordinance - 4909 |
AF/47896 |
09/17/1886 |
City Auditor - City Recorder - Council Ordinance - 4923 - An ordinance to amend section 1 of Ordinance No 4895 entitled "An ordinance providing for the time and manner of improving Morrison St from the West line of Front St to the West line of Ninth St" approved August 5, 1886
AF/47910 |
10/01/1886 |
City Auditor - City Recorder - Council Ordinance - 4924 |
AF/47911 |
10/01/1886 |
City Auditor - City Recorder - Council Ordinance - 4930 - An ordinance making a transfer from the General Fund to the fund for the improvement of N. 16th St between "G" and "L" Streets.
AF/47917 |
10/07/1886 |
City Auditor - City Recorder - Council Ordinance - 4929 - An ordinance allowing the employment and fixing the salary of an additional deputy in the office of the Superintendent of Streets.
AF/47916 |
10/07/1886 |
City Auditor - City Recorder - Council Ordinance - 4928 |
AF/47915 |
10/07/1886 |
City Auditor - City Recorder - Council Ordinance - 4927 - An ordinance in relation to street improvement ordinances
AF/47914 |
10/07/1886 |
City Auditor - City Recorder - Council Ordinance - 4926 - An ordinance adopting the report of the City Surveyor made in pursuance of the recommendation of the Committee on Judiciary and City Attorney in the matter of the proposed Culvert in Tanner St
AF/47913 |
10/07/1886 |
City Auditor - City Recorder - Council Ordinance - 4925 - An ordinance to provide for the time and manner of constructing a sewer in "G" St from the West line of N. 18th St to Tanner Creek, at the expense of the property benefitted by such sewer.
AF/47912 |
10/07/1886 |
City Auditor - City Recorder - Council Ordinance - 4937 |
AF/47925 |
10/07/1886 |
City Auditor - City Recorder - Council Ordinance - 4936 - An ordinance providing for the time and manner of improving Corbett St from the center line of Lane St to a line 130 feet of the South line of 3rd Ave
AF/47924 |
10/07/1886 |
City Auditor - City Recorder - Council Ordinance - 4935 - An ordinance to provide for the time and manner of constructing a sewer in First St from the sewer in Harrison St to a point 120 feet North of the North line of Lincoln St at the expense of the property benefitted.
AF/47922 |
10/07/1886 |
City Auditor - City Recorder - Council Ordinance - 4934 - An ordinance authorizing the construction of a Wharf in the Willamette River.
AF/47921 |
10/07/1886 |
City Auditor - City Recorder - Council Ordinance - 4933 - An ordinance to provide for the protection of the Fire Alarm Telegraph.
AF/47920 |
10/07/1886 |
City Auditor - City Recorder - Council Ordinance - 4931 - An ordinance providing for the release of certain real property.
AF/47918 |
10/07/1886 |
City Auditor - City Recorder - Council Ordinance - 4938 - An ordinance to license, tax and regulate hawkers, and to define what shall constitute the same.
AF/47926 |
10/21/1886 |