City Auditor - City Recorder - Council Ordinance - 188477 Green Street Stewards to remove sediment from and plant vegetation in public green street facilities amend PCC 17.32.070 ordinance |
D/80934 |
06/21/2017 |
188477 Green Street Stewards to remove sediment from and plant vegetation in public green street facilities amend PCC 17.32.070 exhibit |
D/80934#1 |
06/21/2017 |
188477 Green Street Stewards to remove sediment from and plant vegetation in public green street facilities amend PCC 17.32.070 additional documents |
D/80934#2 |
06/21/2017 |
188477 Green Street Stewards to remove sediment from and plant vegetation in public green street facilities amend PCC 17.32.070 presentation |
D/80934#3 |
06/21/2017 |
188477 Green Street Stewards to remove sediment from and plant vegetation in public green street facilities amend PCC 17.32.070 testimony |
D/80934#4 |
06/21/2017 |