Search Results
Records - classification:545 (City Auditor - City Recorder - Council Documents) and createdOn:12/13/2016 to 12/20/2016 - 8 records
1414-2016 Amend the City Zoning Map, Planning and Zoning Code, and Transportation System Plan amend PCC 3, 17, 33 substitute document - see ordinance 188177
1400-2016 Accept bid of Streimer Sheet Metal Works, Inc. for the Mt. Scott Community Center Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning Replacement and Direct Digital Control Upgrade Bid No. 00000428 report
1382-B-2016 Matt Smith communication
1384-2016 Accept the 2016 Annual Fire Prevention Report
1386-2016 Appoint Thuy Tu and Daniel Newberry to the Urban Forestry Commission report
1387-2016 Extend the terms of Jeff Bachrach, Michelle Rudd, Katherine Schultz, Chris Smith, Mike Houck, Gary Oxman and Maggie Tallmadge of the Planning and Sustainability Commission report
1370-2016 Open and Accountable Elections Policy add PCC 2.16 substitute document - see ordinance 188152
1382-A-2016 Mike O'Callaghan communication