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Records - classification:545 (City Auditor - City Recorder - Council Documents) and createdOn:09/02/2015 to 09/08/2015 - 8 records
903-2015 Rodney Wall communication
904-2015 Tricia Reed communication
905-2015 Reco Jones communication
906-2015 Theodore Gilder communication
907-2015 Fredric Alan Maxwell communication
909-2015 Appoint Osvaldo Gonzalez and Brenda L. Meltebeke and reappoint Phillip T. Hillaire and Verlea G. Briggs to the Board of Directors of the Regional Arts and Culture Council report
912-2015 Accept contract with Emery & Sons Construction, Inc. for the construction of the Forest Park Low Tank Project as complete, release retainage, and authorize final payment Contract No. 30002790 report
914-2015 Accept bid of Emery & Sons Construction Group for the Hollywood-Grant Park Sewer Rehabilition Project Bid No. 00000050 report