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Records - classification:545 (City Auditor - City Recorder - Council Documents) and createdOn:07/18/2018 to 07/24/2018 - 10 records
776-2018 Authorize Portland Housing Bureau to execute twelve subrecipient contracts to provide affordable housing referred document
766-2018 Corpac Construction Co for the NW 20th Ave LID project Bid No 00000894 report
742-2018 Sylvia Mitchell communication
748-2018 Reappoint Gustavo J Cruz Jr and William Myers to the Prosper Portland Board report
763-2018 Appoint Ted Wheeler and reappoint Julie Young and Dan Saltzman to the Portland Children's Levy Allocation Committee report
765-2018 Accept Gresham Ford proposal for Mobile Data computer replacement laptops for the Portland Police Bureau Bid No 00000658 report
738-2018 David Kif Davis communication
739-2018 Charles Bridgecrane-Johnson communication
740-2018 Edith Gillis communication
741-2018 Donelda Weiss communication