Archival Folder

16894 : An ordinance declaring the cost of constructing a sewer in [NE] Knott St

Friday, August 30, 1907


An ordinance declaring the cost of constructing a sewer in [NE] Knott St, from the east line of E 24th St [NE 24th Ave] to the sewer in E 20th St [NE 20th Ave], a sewer in E 21st St [NE 21st Ave] from 25 feet north of the north line of [NE] Thompson St to the proposed sewer in Knott St, a sewer in E 22nd St from 25 feet north of the north line of Thompson St to the proposed sewer in Knott St, a sewer in E 23rd St from 25 feet north of the north line of Thompson St to the proposed sewer in Knott St