
EA 15-123778 DA - 2750 & 2730 SW Moody and 0650 SW Meade - Audio

ADDRESS: 2750 & 2730 SW Moody and 0650 SW Meade APPLICANT: Eric Wilson, SRG Partnership Project Description: Design Advice Request for a new 8-story building, the Knight Cancer Research Building, in South Waterfront. The proposed building fronts SW Moody Avenue and will be located north of the existing Skourtes Tower, across SW Meade Street. The building will include below-grade parking, a conference center, research laboratory space, research support functions, food service retail and offices. It will be approximately 332,000 gross square feet. With this proposed building, the pedestrian promenade that exists east of the Skourtes Tower will be continued northward along the proposed building’s east frontage.

Thursday, March 5, 2015 at 2:59 PM


Contained Records