
LU 14-176986 DZM AD - Q21 - Drawings

Type III Design Review for a new 7-story mixed-use building with 163 residential units, 16,000sf of retail space and 11,000sf of office space, and parking within the building for 105 vehicles. The applicant proposes to increase total FAR allowed on the site from 3:1 to 3.48:1 through a Landmark transfer, per 33.140.205.C Transfer of FAR from Landmarks in the EX Zone. Exterior materials include tilt-up concrete, stucco, metal panel, aluminum windows, vinyl windows, aluminum-clad wood doors and windows, cast concrete, steel awnings, and Ipé accents. Modifications are requested to setbacks, height, ground floor windows, loading standards, and bicycle parking standards. An Adjustment is requested to increase the allowable square footage for retail along the western portion of the property.

Wednesday, August 27, 2014 at 8:44 AM


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