Archival Document

Street improvement agreement

Includes space to fill in field items; Made this_________day of______A.D. 187__, by___ and between________part____of the first part, and the City of Portland (by the Committee on Streets and of Public Property, and the Superintendent of Streets,) party of the second part; WITNESSETH, that the said part_________of the first part do______hereby agree, for the consideration hereafter named to______________________________________________and to complete the said improvement on or before the_____________day of___________________A.D. 187___, to the satisfaction of the Committee on Streets and Public Property and of the Superintendent of Streets ; and to do and perform all of said work in a good and workmanlike manner, according to the provisions and requirements of Ordinance___ of the City of Portland, numbered__________ which said Ordinance____________referred to for specifications, and made a part of this contract. And the part_______ of the first part agree__to be responsible for any loss or damage resulting from negligence or carelessness in the doing of said work, and will hold the City of Portland harmless therefrom. In consideration whereof, the said party of the second part agrees to pay to the part__________of the first part, upon the completion of the improvement__as herein provided, on the approval and acceptance of the same, as follows to-wit:_______________________________________________________ and to pay the same by warrants to be drawn upon the fund to be collected abd paid to the City Treasury for that purpose. In witness, Whereof, We have hereunto set our hands this day abd year first above written. In presence"

Saturday, December 31, 1870
