Archival Document

Advertisement for J. K. Gill & Company

Wholesale and retail dealers in musical instruments, sheet music, chromos, fine engravings, picture frames and mouldings. Located at 77 First Street. Includes text "We desire to call your attention to the fact that we have recently purchased the MUSIC DEPARTMENT of the business of Messrs. Gill Steel & Bancroft, which we propose to continue in the same location in Dekum's Block. Our aim will be to keep a large and selected stock of Pianos, Organs, Sheet Music, Instruction Books, Small Instruments of all kinds, together with a perfect assortment of American and Foreign Chromos, Fine Engravings, Picture Frames, Walnut and Gilt moldings, etc. Our stock will always be purchased from manufacturers direct, and should you need anything in our line, we feel assured that we can satisfactorily fill your orders." Signed J. K. Gill & Co. -- Agents for Chickering, Marschall & Mittauer and Emerson Pianos and Mason & Hamlin Organs.

Wednesday, November 13, 1872
