Archival Document

The Mercantile Agency business card

Located at No. 317 California Street, San Francisco, Cal. Established A. D. 1842 in New York. For the protection of trade and collection of debts. Associated offices in all the principle cities of the Untied States, and Dominion of Canada, also in London, Manchester, Sheffield, Liverpool, Glasgow, Paris and Melbourne. Supplies information as to the character, capital, antecedents and mercantile position of Bankers, Merchants, etc., in the United States, Dominion of Canada, Hawaiian Islands, etc. Special attention given to Legal Business and the collection of debts throughout the above named localities. Names of Reliable Attorneys throughout the Pacific Coast furnished free on application to the Agency. [Over]. Hope, McKillop & Co ; Hope, J. Arthur [Manager] ; McKillop, Sprague & Co. [109 and 111 Worth Street., New York]

Sunday, December 31, 1871
