1971 Aerial Survey Prints: Flight 29
Friday, July 2, 1971
Aerials from flight through the central Portland Metro area, beginning at the Columbia River and continuing through Hayden Island, Bridgeton, Piedmont, Humblodt, Boise, and Elliot Neighborhoods, and following the Willamette River past Lloyd District, Old Town/Chinatown, Downtown, and the Buckman, Hosford-Abernethy, Brooklyn, Sellwood-Moreland and South Portland Neighborhoods, continuing through Milwaukee, and ending at Lake Oswego. Also visible are the I-5 Interstate Bridge, Tomahawk Island, North Portland Harbor (29-41), Delta Park East (29-41), Portland Meadows (29-39), Columbia Slough (29-39), Columbia Pioneer Cemetery (29-39), Farragut Park (29-27, 29-39), MLK Blvd, Holy Redeemer Catholic High School (29-37), Peninsula Park (29-37), Ockley Green Middle School (29-37), Portland Community College Cascade Campus (29-37), Jefferson High School (29-37), King Elementary School (29-35), King School Park (29-35), Denorval Unthank Park (29-35), Irving Park (29-35), Overlook Park (29-35), Legacy Emmanuel Hospital (29-35), Lillis Albina Park (29-35), Fremont Bridge under construction (29-33, 29-35), Lloyd Center (29-33), North Park Blocks (29-33), Broadway Bridge (29-33), Steel Bridge (29-33), Burnside Bridge (29-31, 29-33), Morrison Bridge (29-31), Hawthorne Bridge (29-31), Marquam Bridge (29-31), Ross Island Bridge (29-31), South Park Blocks (29-31), Washington High School (29-31), I405, I5, Duniway Park (29-29, 29-31), Ross Island (29-27, 29-29), Brooklyn Park (29-29), Oregon Health and Sciences University (29-29), SE McLoughlin Blvd, log rafts, George Himes Park (29-27), Willamette Park (29-27), Oaks Bottom (29-27), Oaks Amusement Park (29-27), Sellwood Park (29-27), Sellwood Bridge (29-25, 29-27), Riverview Cemetery (29-25), Greenwood Hill Cemetery (29-25), Powers Marine Park (29-25), Lewis and Clark College (29-25), eastern portion of Waverly Country Club (29-25), Riverdale High School (29-25), Tryon State Park (29-23), SW Terwilliger Blvd, eastern portion of Lake Oswego Country Club (29-21), First Addition Neighborhood (29-21), and Our Lady of the Lake School (29-21). 29-21, 29-23, 29-25, 29-27, 29-29, 29-31, 29-33, 29-35, 29-37, 29-39, 29-41
Brooklyn; Collins View