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News clippings : Oregon Commonwealth Federation, campaign against Governor Martin

Monday, May 10, 1937

Saturday, December 31, 1938



News clippings regarding the Oregon Commonwealth Federation and Governor Martin : Martin writes letters in an attempt to promote action against a public school teacher (Ruth Stone) and university professor (Stephenson Smith for participating in the Oregon Commonwealth Federation convention ; Commonwealth names Martin as Pro - Fascist ; White house may intervene in primary to beat Martin by giving blessing to Hess ; Beat Martin movement, Henry Hess drafted to run ; Federation backs slate of candidates ; Harold Ickes attacks Martin as no "New Dealer" ; Governor Martin responds to Ickes ; Also includes news clippings regarding : NLRB (national Labor Relations Board) elections ; relief funds ; German - American Bund camp ; arms embargo lifting on Spain ; teamster goon charged with arson ; Members of the Oregon legislature in favor of public ownership of hydroelectric power, meet in Portland in opposition to Governor Martin ; Commonwealth asks for the dismissal of the Roy J. Norene, immigration director of the Portland district Organization : Oregon Journal ; Oregonian ; New York Times People : Bennett, J. E. ; Bridges, Harry ; Carney, Byron G. ; Clyde, Ralph C. ; Cole, Merwin ; Costigan Howard ; Gill, Ray W. ; Hess, Henry ; Hartung, Al ; Hewitt, Roy R. ; Honeyman ; Nan Wood ; Hosch, J. F. ; Hyde, Clarnece F. ; Ickes, Harold ; Lee, T. S. ; Loe, Kelley ; Martin, Charles H. ; Mahoney, Willis ; McConald, Lucille ; Norene, Roy J. ; O'Dale, Walter B. ; O'Grady, E. B. ; Oleen, Herny ; Osborne, Ben T. ; Perkins, Frances ; Pierce, Walter M. ; Roos, J. D. ; Rosser, Al ; Shadduck, Ralph ; Shrot, Jessie M. ; Smith, S. Stevenson ; Stone, Ruth ; Sweetland, Monroe M. ; Tompkins, Morton ; Werner, Ernes ; Williams, Edgar ; Zimmerman, Peter ; Key Words : Democratic Party ; elections ; politics ; Oregon Governor ; political parties ; progressive ; communist ; Bonneville Damn ; hydroelectric power ; deportation ; C.I.O. ; A.F. of L. ; primary election ; Spain ; Spanish Civil War ; embargo ; Red baiting ; German bund ; labor ; NLRB