Archival Folder

News clippings : Capital Pagent Review by John W. Kelly

Tuesday, December 14, 1937

Friday, July 1, 1938



News clippings from the Oregonian news bureau, Washington, D. C. Topics include : Communist support House bill on reorganization ; plan to unionize WPA workers foreseen with C.I.O. as certified bargaining agency ; the creation of the House un - American Activities Committee ; Dies Committee ; Federal Employees' Unions expand functions by offering advice on foreign policy ; espionage ; spying largely devoted to resources and how they can be mobilized in war ; Ickes attacks the Supreme Court at a American Civil Liberties union meeting; Indian Bureau charged with teaching communism Other news clippings include : Harvard places Red on faculty ; revolution seen by Earle if G.O.P. wins White House ; editorial regarding a sit down strike in an automobile factory in Jersey City ; Browder backs Roosevelt ; Communist draft new constitution ; sit down strike, C.I.O. Organization : Oregonian People : Kelly, John W. ; Ickes, Harold ; Roosevelt, Franklin D. ; Earle, George H. ; Hicks, Granville ; Lewis, John L. ; Hopkins, Harry ; Frankensteen, Richard T. ; Browder, Earl ; Wallace, Henry Key Words : Communist ; Socialist ; Fascist ; Roosevelt ; Red baiting ; civil rights ; ACLU ; Dies Committee ; Congress ; Roosevelt Administration ; national ; Communist Party ; C.I.O. ; A.F. of L. ; WPA ; espionage