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News clippings : Red Squad

Wednesday, October 27, 1937

Thursday, June 30, 1938



News clippings regarding a public backlash against the Portland Red Squad : School Director Louis E. Starr charged by fellow school board members with exceeding his authority for his aid in questioning and allegedly intimidating a Lincoln high school student (H. Berton Cantor, chairman of the executive committee of the Lincoln high school chapter of the American Student Union) by a member of the Portland Red Squad ; Council for Economic and Social Research requested a hearing to present charges that public moneys are being wrongfully spent for subversive and un - American practices ; the formation of Americans Inc, a new patriotic organization, filed articles with the state corporation department here today ; Walter O'Dale's history in the police Bureau ; Lawyers' Guild launches probe of police Red Squad leader ; Harry M. Kenin, attorney and school director charged O'Dale and his aides are resorting to intrigue and espionage ; Church pastor denounces head of police 'Red Squad' ; Methodist Minster's association condemn the methods and actions of the Portland police bureau Red Squad ; Ex - School official blames O'Dale for defeat ; O'dales history fighting I.W.W. during World War I and his cooperation with the American Legion ; editorials denouncing the Red Squad, one of the authors was Monroe M. Sweetland, executive secretary of the Oregon Commonwealth Federation ; editorial in favor of the Red Squad ; the Catholic Sentinel support the Red Squad ; Portland "Americanization council endorses O'Dales' anti - red drive ; Post No. 1, American Legion, scorched "red baiter" ; investigation of the Red Squads activities ; The la Follette civil liberties committee has been asked by the Oregon American Student's union to investigate the activities of objective W. B. O'Dale of the Portland police red squad; Corvallis Post No. 11 of the American Legion past a resolution in favor of O'Dale ; The Oregonian suggest that the council should immediately act and abolish whole squad, in addition members of squad should be prosecuted for slandering, libelling innocent people ; summary of O'Dales statements at the Twentieth Century Club ; B. A. Green, labor attorney blisters O'Daled for alleged tactics ; activities of the police Red Squad are being made the object of an investigation by the Oregon chapter of the Lawyers' guild ; 53 page report on the Red Squad produced by the National Lawyers Guild ; meeting of Lawyer Guild in which they present their report, Keegan, Browne and George Stroup were present at the meeting. Also includes articles : Portland Communist Party denied use of the civic auditorium for a meeting Armistice day ; Communist hold meeting ; Quest, the Reed student paper was seen as to intellectual and was suspected of being the organ of the American Student union ; Briton to speak on war in Spain ; maritime editor quits ; use of public school buildings ; School chairman answers legion ; Secretary Ickes warns that Fascist - minded Americans are greater threat than Reds ; Foes of Governor Martin stage big rally to center drive ; Allan Hart, president of the local national Lawyers guild resigns as deputy Federal Attorney to go to capital. Organization : Oregonian ; Oregon Journal ; People : Aldrich, W. C. ; Babe, John J. ; Browne, William ; Bunnell, Dwight ; Cahill, Kathleen ; Cantor, H. Berton ; Caples, R. F. ; Coleman, Norman F. ; De Jong, Dirk ; Dorman, Harry S. ; Dugdale, Ralph E. ; Dunne, William F. ; Edson, Emily ; English, Arnold Lunn ; Epps, David ; Erwin, Warren ; Estabrook, Tom ; Esterly, H. M. ; Fornia, Fred ; Goldharmer, Keith ; Goodman, Irvin ; Green, B. A. ; Handsaker, J. J. ; Hart, Allan ; Hathaway, Clarence ; Humbird, Jim Ickes, Harold ; Keegan, John J. ; Kenin, Harry ; MacKenzie, William ; Manning, Norma ; Martin, Charles H. ; McKenna, C. L. ; Mumford, Katherine ; Niles, Harry ; Noble, George W. ; O'Dale, Wlater B. ; Richards, Louis L. ; Rosser, Al ; Rutz, Ethel E. ; Shields, Roy F. ; Short, Jessie M. ; Sisson, Edward O. ; Starr, Louis, E. ; Stone, Harry W. ; Stroup, George Marion ; Steiner, Richard, M. ; Sweetland, Monroe M. ; Tarlow, Arthur ; Ward, Harry F. ; West, Oswald ; Wilson, Thomas, S. ; Workman, George S. ; Wright, Pearl Key Words : Red Squad ; police ; editorial ; Oregon Commonwealth ; Lawyers Guild ; School Board ; student ; youth ; Lincoln High School ; Reed College ; American Legion ; American Student Union ; Mayor ; Governor ; lawyer ; religion ; methodist ; catholic ; subversive ; mill owners ; Communist ; Communist Party ; civil liberties ; American Civil Liberties Union ; ACLU