Archival Folder

News clippings : Communist - Earl Browder, 1938

Friday, July 1, 1938

Friday, September 30, 1938



News clippings regarding : Earl Browder's wiliness to fight for the U.S. against Russia : Browder's explanation of the Communist Parties policies and platforms ; Browder's willingness to support Roosevelt and the danger of this ; Browder's statement that Harry Bridges has never been a member of the Communist Party ; Earl Browder talks about the Dies Committee and his support for the New Deal ; Independent Nominating Assembly, James A. Murphy was nominated as an independent candidate to run for the Oregon sate legislature from Multnomah county Other articles include : President of automobile workers, charged that the communist party is reproaching upon his union ; Russian's utopia termed huge fib ; foreigners living in Leningrad have been ordered to leave the city immediately ; Merchants union wants to oust Secretary of Labor, Perkins ; Oregon American Legion request President Roosevelt to remove Secretary of Labor for granting stays of execution of court orders in regard to deportation and her refusal to enforce immigration laws ; Catholic leader sees communism as major menace. Organization : Oregonian ; Oregon Journal People : Bridges, Harry ; Browder, Earl ; Martin, Homer ; Murphy, James A. ; Perkins, Francis Key Words : Communist ; Communist Party ; Russia ; Soviet Union ; union ; labor ; deportation ; immigration ; Catholic ; religion