Archival Folder

The Broadcast "crusader for Christ" : September - October and November - December issues

Sunday, September 1, 1940

Tuesday, December 31, 1940



The Broadcast was written by Norman Wayne Phelps from Tillamook, Oregon, a member of the Christian Defenders. Paper attacks Roosevelt ; his administration ; the New Deal other liberals ; and the possibility of going to war. The first issue September - October 1940, topics : Down with Roosevelt's third term ; comparing Roosevelt to Hitler, Stalin, Mussolini and the anti Christ ; Roosevelt becomes Americas first dictator ; war profits ; international Jewish conspiracy ; verbal inspiration of the Bible ; dangers in public schools ; concerns regarding the progressive education Association ; free speech ; Christians have betrayed the Christ of peace ; anti - war ; currency, gold hoarding. The second issue November - December 1940 topics : William Hastie, dean of Howard University for Negroes [Howard University] (a red center) ; William Hastie communist ; Clarence Dykstra ; sending Russia arms ; the election ; Roosevelt and his red record ; Einstein's assault on God ; Harold Ickes ; World War ; plot to make America into the United States of Soviet Union ; pay national debt ; gold prices ; the bible ; Dorothy Thompson ; Sigmund Freud ; holy inspiration Organization : The Broadcast, Crusader for Christ People : Phelps, Norman Wayne Key Words : anti - communist ; right wing ; anti - Roosevelt ; anti - New Deal ; religious ; Christian ; anti - war