Archival Folder


Wednesday, July 6, 1966


TITLE: Accepting two easements covering the identical parcel of property for a sewer or sewers and tunnel or tunnels therefor, through the west one-half of lots 27, 26, 25, 24 and 23, block 15, Northern Hill Addition, one granted by Max Widmer, a widower ; William M Widmer and Azalee T Widmer, husband and wife ; Kenneth O Widmer, and Laila LaVerne Widmer, husband and wife ; Grace E Wiek and Donald F Wiek, husband and wife ; Robert L Widmer and Katheryn K Widmer, husband and wife ; and one granted by Earlene Lee Widmer, for the Linnton - Guilds Lake interceptor sewer system, authorizing the drawing and delivery of a warrant, and declaring an emergency