Archival Folder


Wednesday, March 23, 1966


TITLE: Changing from zone A1 to M3B, lot 4 and the south 50 feet of lots 5 and 6, block 1, Severance Addition, and changing from zones A1, C2 and R5 to M3, the south 50 feet of lot 1, the north 100 feet of lot 5, the north 50 feet of lot 6, and all of lots 2, 3, 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11, except the east 40 feet of lot 11, block 1, Severance Addition, and tax lots 52, 66 and 71, section 12, T1N, R1W, WM at North Lombard and Richmond, petitioned for by Fred M and Mary Bauer, Raymond F and Catherine Fisher, C Harry and Laura E Phelps, with certain conditions, and declaring an emergency