Archival Document

137698 - Amending Ordinance No. 133325, which granted a revocable permit to Cheryl S. MacNaughton, deedholder, and Jerry G. Jones, John W. Earlenbaugh, Thomas W. Dant, on Lot 3 and the west 29 feet of Lot 2, except the east one foot of the north 22 feet

Amending Ordinance No. 133325, which granted a revocable permit to Cheryl S. MacNaughton, deedholder, and Jerry G. Jones, John W. Earlenbaugh, Thomas W. Dant, on Lot 3 and the west 29 feet of Lot 2, except the east one foot of the north 22 feet, Block 4, Johnson's Addition, under certain conditions, so as to add offices on the third floor and basement storage, with certain conditions

Wednesday, January 9, 1974 at 10:01 PM


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