
LU 19-101014 DZ - One Pacific Square Ground Floor & Plaza Alterations

Joint hearing for concurrent Type III Historic Resource and Design Reviews for the proposed renovation of the ground floor level and ground level plaza spaces of One Pacific Square, an existing 13-story mixed-use office building located in the Old Town/ Chinatown Subdistrict of the Central City Plan District and in the Skidmore/ Old Town Historic District (south half of the block). The proposal includes the replacement of existing tinted glazing with clear glazing on the ground floor, recladding existing brick cornices along NW 2nd and NW 1st (east and west facades) with composite metal panel to match the existing metal panel on the north and south facades, and the refinishing of all existing ground level brick surfaces (columns, stair entry, and wall area) with a plaster coat. The proposal also includes alterations to the plazas that surround the base of the building including removing the existing stair at the northwest corner, the addition of a new raised planters, seating, and upgrades to paving materials.

Wednesday, February 6, 2019 at 1:42 PM


Contained Records