
LU 14-218444 HR EN - Mt. Tabor Reservoirs Disconnection

ADDRESS: 6325 SE Division APPLICANT: Tom Carter, Portland Water Bureau In response to the federal government’s Long Term Enhanced Surface Water Treatment Rule (LT2), the Portland Water Bureau proposes to disconnect the open reservoirs at Mt. Tabor from the City’s drinking water system. This will require excavation, capping, plugging, and removing existing pipe, installing new bypass pipelines, restoration of all earthen and man-made excavated areas, removal of existing and construction of new underground vaults and appurtenances, installation of screens at reservoir inlets and drains, capping reservoir outlet pipes, minor alterations to Gatehouse 6 East, and other below-grade and above-grade alterations, including plantings, as described in detail on the Portland Water Bureau website for this project: https://www.portlandoregon.gov/water/64097.

Friday, November 21, 2014 at 1:09:35 PM


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