LU 14-169513 DZM AD - 419 E Burnside - Reports
APPLICANT: Erik Winter, Myhre Group Architects, Inc. ADDRESS: 419 E Burnside Street LU 14-169513 DZM AD – 419 E Burnside – Type III Design Review for a new 6-story ¾-block mixed-use building with 153 residential units, 3 live/work units, ground floor commercial space, as well as shared and private rooftop terraces. The proposal includes an arcade along E. Burnside that includes living area above the public right-of-way. Parking is provided within the building for 81 vehicles, including 17 tandem spaces, to be accessed from NE /Grand Avenue, with 2 loading spaces accessed from NE Couch Street. Exterior materials include cast-in-place concrete, metal panel, fiber cement panel, operable storefront systems, fiberglass doors, and vinyl windows. An Adjustment is requested to allow vehicular access from NE Grand Avenue, a vehicle access restricted street. Modifications are requested for the ground floor windows standards, width of bicycle parking spaces, and width of oriel window projections.
Wednesday, August 20, 2014 at 12:29:56 PM