Health - City Marshal special officer appointments to monitor ship from Hong Kong |
AF/183694 |
07/21/1869 |
Improvements - Streets and sidewalks - Invoice for stationary and sundries from W. T. Morris |
AF/183473 |
07/01/1869 |
Improvements - Streets and sidewalks - Bidder for improving Front Ave and providing ornamental and shade trees |
AF/183472 |
03/09/1869 |
Improvements - Street lighting - Erection of street lamps |
AF/183471 |
12/31/1869 |
Improvements - Street lighting - Damaged lamp post at 6th Ave and Market St |
AF/183470 |
06/30/1869 |
Improvements - Street lighting - C. H. Myers bill for services to street lamps |
AF/183469 |
12/31/1869 |
Health - Care of small pox patients |
AF/183468 |
12/31/1869 |
Harbor - Committee on Landings and Wharfs report on petitions related to ferry landings |
AF/183467 |
09/11/1869 |
Fire - Willamette Engine Co. No. 1 - Needed supplies and equipment maintenance |
AF/183466 |
12/31/1869 |
Fire - Protection Engine Co. No. 4 - Purchase of lot for engine house |
AF/183465 |
12/31/1869 |
Fire - Protection Engine Co. No. 4 - Needed equipment and storage room |
AF/183464 |
12/31/1869 |
Fire - Ordinance for the protection of property against loss by fire |
AF/183463 |
04/14/1869 |
Fire - Multnomah Engine Co. No. 2 alarm bell maintenance |
AF/183462 |
11/24/1869 |
Fire - Fire hydrant construction |
AF/183461 |
09/22/1869 |
Fire - Columbian Engine Co. No. 3 - Purchase of new stove |
AF/183460 |
12/31/1869 |