CU 79-64 : SW Freeman St between SW 17th Ave and SW 19th Ave |
APF/4121 |
10/31/1964 |
CU 78-64 : Approximately 700 feet east of SW Moody Ave and approximately 700 feet north of the Ross Island Bridge |
APF/4120 |
10/31/1964 |
CU 77-64 : SW Park Ave to SW 11th Ave between SW Hall St and SW College St |
APF/4119 |
10/31/1964 |
CU 76-64 : NE 20th Ave and NE Killingsworth St |
APF/4118 |
09/30/1964 |
CU 75-64 : SE 39th Ave and SE Knapp St |
APF/4117 |
09/30/1964 |
CU 74-64 : N Delaware Ave and N Russett St |
APF/4116 |
09/30/1964 |
CU 73-64 : NE 49th Ave and NE Glisan St |
APF/4115 |
08/31/1964 |
CU 72-64 : NW Yeon Ave and NW 26th Ave |
APF/4114 |
08/31/1964 |
CU 71-64 : NW Flanders St and NW 22nd Ave |
APF/4113 |
08/31/1964 |
CU 70-64 : N Commercial Ave and N Fargo St |
APF/4112 |
08/31/1964 |
CU 69-64 : SW Dosch Rd and SW Doschdale Dr |
APF/4111 |
08/31/1964 |
CU 68-64 : NW Kearney St and NW 20th Ave |
APF/4110 |
08/31/1964 |
CU 33-64 : NW Marshall St and NW 24th Ave |
APF/4087 |
05/31/1964 |
CU 34-64 : SW Multnomah Blvd between SW 22nd Ave and SW 25th Ave |
APF/4088 |
05/31/1964 |
CU 36-64 : SW Jefferson St and SW Park Ave |
APF/4089 |
05/31/1964 |