15:08:08 From Mr. Shaun Irelan : It would be nice to get an idea of total participants in todays meeting 15:09:29 From PHB Admin : Hi Shaun, you can see all virtual participants by clicking the "Participants" button on your Zoom client. All in person participants are currently in frame on the video, but the camera will change to close-ups when people are speaking. 15:09:59 From Mr. Shaun Irelan : Thanx 15:13:51 From FHAC - Christina Dirks - she/her : Congratulations to Allan! A loss to the housing ecosystem. 15:17:33 From Niki Luneclair to PHB Admin(Direct Message) : It won't let me promote people, just FYI 15:23:39 From PHB Admin to Niki Luneclair(Direct Message) : Do you mean make people co-host? 15:23:54 From Niki Luneclair to PHB Admin(Direct Message) : Yes, there is no option for me 15:24:15 From PHB Admin to Niki Luneclair(Direct Message) : Yeah, believe that's only an option for the main host. 15:25:13 From PHB Admin to Niki Luneclair(Direct Message) : Sorry, I wasn't hip to the plan with Matt's presentation. I had thought you were going to be running his slides . . . then must have missed mention of him running his own slides (and making him a co-host). 15:25:46 From Niki Luneclair to PHB Admin(Direct Message) : Ahh, no worries. I thought you were waiting on me to make him co host 15:27:46 From FHAC - Caroline Jackson : Re: definition of dwellings, are there any issues with the wide range of tiny homes / micro shelters / single shelter units being covered? 15:39:19 From Mr. Shaun Irelan : Is it true that with stipulated agreements, the landlord may apply their opinions and unsubstantiated tenant actions to the renters public record ? 15:41:35 From FHAC - Dung Ho : Congrats Mara! 15:42:58 From FHAC - Mara Romero : Thank you. Excited to be joining the enforcement team at FHCO and ready to get busy testing! 15:45:31 From FHAC - Mara Romero : https://fhco.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/ShelterGuide_FHCO_2023.pdf 15:46:37 From FHAC - Christina Dirks - she/her : To add to Matt's comment, HUD defines dwelling for FHA purposes as "any building, structure, or portion thereof which is occupied as, or designed or intended for occupancy as, a residence by one or more families." Given this broad definition, these new structures would likely qualify. 15:51:05 From Mr. Shaun Irelan : Could hotline data also aggregate other hotline services, like those hotlines at Home Forward where appropriate. Can public record/transparency allow for any meta-data 15:57:08 From FHAC - Christina Dirks - she/her : I am sorry but I need to leave for another meeting. I will watch the recording of the remainder of the meeting once it is posted online. See you all next quarter. 15:57:27 From PHB Admin : Thank you Christina. The recordings should be posted by tomorrow. 16:00:27 From Matt Serres (he/him/his) - Fair Housing Council of Oregon : Thank you for your suggestion Shaun. I think there are some challenges there in terms of confidentiality and uniformity in comparing data. For example, FHCO's hotline is exclusively focused on housing discrimination whereas other agencies deal in different types of complaints in addition to fair housing. However, those are not obstacles that are impossible to overcome. As a non-profit non-government agency, our records would not be subject to public record/transparency to the same extent as a government agency, but we are interested in finding new ways to compare our data with larger data sets. 16:20:43 From PHB Admin to Niki Luneclair(Direct Message) : In case you didn't see the time, it's public comment time. 16:24:36 From FHAC - Stephanie Grayce : My overarching question is - the data on this has been consistently clear. And yet, I’m still not seeing meaningful incentives being offered in any kind of tangible way. People at large seem to know there is an affordability issue. And yet - rental rates and housing prices continue to put more and more Oregonians in a precarious housing position. (And rising mortgage rates certainly aren’t helping). These interventions are critical 16:24:43 From FHAC - Stephanie Grayce : So, how do we do this? 16:43:52 From Matt Serres (he/him/his) - Fair Housing Council of Oregon : I must get going, but appreciate the dedication of this committee and the ongoing opportunities it gives to FHCO to participate in its work with the City. 16:53:05 From Niki Luneclair : A copy of the Audit Test Report will be sent out via email, as it was not included in the original materials.