14:04:04 From laura golino de lovato : Works for me! 14:06:27 From Ian Davie, he/him to Tawnya Harris(Direct Message) : Good afternoon Tawnya! Thanks for sending out materials yesterday. Will I be able to share screen for the powerpoint? 14:14:13 From Justin Barrieault : https://www.portland.gov/phb/rental-services/events/2023/6/7/rental-services-commission-listening-session 14:22:04 From laura golino de lovato : well said, Vivien. thank you! 14:23:15 From Vivien Lyon : I would love to be able to highlight the utility of that compilation of testimony for the people participating in the listening session 14:24:32 From Vivien Lyon : Agreed, Kristina 14:27:36 From laura golino de lovato : Actually it'll be me and Justin. 14:27:41 From Amber Cook (she/ella) : We could consider having a commissioner reflect back what they heard at the end, broad strokes rather than individual comments, because the feeling of sharing hard unfair experiences and hoping it will mean some change is hard and disappointing 14:41:23 From Justin Barrieault : https://access.nyc.gov/programs/senior-citizens-rent-increase-exemption-scrie/ 14:41:34 From Justin Barrieault : https://access.nyc.gov/programs/disability-rent-increase-exemption-drie/#:~:text=DRIE%20helps%20eligible%20tenants%20with,new%20and%20original%20rent%20amount 14:42:08 From Justin Barrieault : https://www.clackamas.us/news/2023-04-17/a-new-risk-mitigation-program-provides-additional-support-for-landlords-who-rent-to-people-exiting-homelessness 14:43:07 From Justin Barrieault : https://www.multco.us/multnomah-county/news/board-approves-4-million-funding-housing-multnomah-now-pilot-project 14:47:40 From Kristina Goodman : Thank you Ian for connecting that dot! 14:51:05 From lisa pfeffer : hi Vivien it's lisa 14:53:56 From laura golino de lovato : But let's bring this up during the discussion time later today. 15:17:42 From Xander Peregrine : Any comments on the recent report in the Willamette Week of chronic underspending at JOHS? 15:23:22 From Amber Cook (she/ella) : Hi Xander. Just to let you know that the chat is intended for commissioners. We appreciate you being here. And it’s a good Q. Unfortunately the structure and rules of a housing advisory body is that we can’t answer public Q. My apologies! 15:24:25 From Christian Bryant : You can sign up to provide public comment during that scheduled time on the agenda if you would like. 15:25:23 From lisa pfeffer : sorry I'm new to this it won't happen again I can wait to ask questions thank u 15:29:10 From Christian Bryant to Tawnya Harris(Direct Message) : This might only be an option in the zoom webinar set up, but when I teach my webinar classes I can disable chat for people that aren’t co-host or panelists. So you could set it up so staff and exec are co-host, all other RSC members as panelists, and then leave chat off for everyone else. Just a suggestion if you wanted to automate the control of the chat. 15:31:02 From Regina Amodeo : when my camera is off it usually means I'm stretching! 15:33:56 From laura golino de lovato : Extra points for you, Regina!! 15:37:19 From Ian Davie, he/him : Great question, Matthew! 15:40:24 From laura golino de lovato : And that potentially leads to homelessness 15:42:44 From laura golino de lovato : LIP or Local Implementation Plan - created as a result of the Supportive Housing Services measures 15:42:50 From laura golino de lovato : *measure 15:42:51 From Justin Barrieault : Multnomah County Local Implementation Plan: 15:42:57 From Justin Barrieault : https://www.oregonmetro.gov/sites/default/files/2021/09/21/Multnomah-County-supportive-housing-services-local-implementation-plan-20210601.pdf 15:43:10 From Regina Amodeo : My internet seems to be slow, turning off camera but I'm here. 15:44:36 From Matthew Maline : Thanks Kristina, I’ll look at those programs! 15:47:07 From Moriah McSharry McGrath (she/they) : Apologies but I need to head to my other meeting - I’m grateful for the wisdom and creativity shared today! 15:49:08 From Ian Davie, he/him : Yes, Regina. Case management and even basic care coordination. 15:49:17 From Vivien Lyon : This has been our experience within the Eviction Defense Program as well - property managers cannot act as case managers and people who need case managers cannot access them 15:56:06 From lisa pfeffer : thank u 15:57:03 From Matthew Maline : What was the name of the trauma informed property manager? 15:57:12 From Ian Davie, he/him : New Narrative 15:57:13 From Kristina Goodman : New Narratives 15:57:20 From Vivien Lyon : The city has not yet approved the budget for the Eviction Defense Program, fyi 15:57:37 From laura golino de lovato : Thanks, Vivien. 15:57:43 From Justin Barrieault : New Narrative: https://newnarrativepdx.org/ 15:57:51 From laura golino de lovato : Thank you, Justin. 15:58:03 From Matthew Maline : Thanks! 16:00:55 From Justin Barrieault : I'll make note of that 16:00:56 From Amber Cook (she/ella) : We saw a lot of emergency rent assistance abuse by some landlords in the last 2 + years, and it needs to be money not thrown out the window while renters still struggle with being evicted 16:01:11 From laura golino de lovato : Thanks, Justin. 16:02:26 From Amber Cook (she/ella) : Our prop man co have used rent assistance given to residents to cover court costs, which the money was not allotted for, leaving the renter without enough money to cover the rent and are then evicted 16:07:30 From Amber Cook (she/ella) : You’re making the assumption that every low income renter can take these injustices to court 16:07:35 From Amber Cook (she/ella) : Which is not the case 16:12:54 From lisa pfeffer : how do I sign up or am I already like I said I'm new to this 16:14:05 From lisa pfeffer : thank u 16:14:53 From Vivien Lyon : the rent assistance is mostly dispensed with no requirements as to how the money should be applied to he ledger and the landlords don't follow ORS 90 16:15:21 From Vivien Lyon : but there's no consequences because that's a private right of action and there aren't enough attorneys practicing in this area 16:15:34 From Ian Davie, he/him : Well managed, Laura. Thanks for facilitating! 16:19:13 From Tawnya Harris to lisa pfeffer(Direct Message) : Hi Lisa, yes you are signed up to give Public Testimony. 16:19:38 From lisa pfeffer : thank u 16:20:29 From Vivien Lyon : OECI shows that Tess Herman has been involved in only one civil case in which she was the Plaintiff. 16:24:04 From laura golino de lovato : Thank you Tess and Lisa for sharing. 16:25:34 From Breonne DeDecker : Vivien, your comment above is inappropriate. Please do not engage in sharing this type of information when members of the public is addressing the Commission. 16:25:37 From lisa pfeffer : If I could speak again I would love too 16:25:56 From Christian Bryant : Nice to hear from you Jessica! We miss you on the committee. 16:26:08 From laura golino de lovato : Thanks, Jessica. 16:26:21 From Amber Cook (she/ella) : Property managers have a lot of power over renter’s lives and the sanctity of their home sanctuaries. And very little oversight. 16:30:08 From Alicia Rios : Thank you for this meeting. I do agree that their is a huge need for housing and case management. I am very thankful; for the EHV vouchers and have seen that people that were in one-or two year programs would have gone into homeless if it were not for those vouchers. We need more vouchers with case management. 16:30:12 From lisa pfeffer : amen property managers that I have are ruthless 16:30:58 From lisa pfeffer : thank u 16:33:19 From Jessica Greenlee : There is a state level bill package HB 2980 and 2981 that would serve this purpose for 80%-120% AMI 16:33:22 From Vivien Lyon : I would be very interested in any reports or documentation about that program 16:33:25 From Christian Bryant : Sure that would be good to get the info. Also with info on what outreach was done if that could be improved. 16:34:14 From Jessica Greenlee : Thank you Christian and Laura, I enjoy listening to the meetings and your input on the commissions. 16:35:19 From lisa pfeffer : thank u everyone I'm learning a lot thanks 16:36:24 From Tawnya Harris to Justin Barrieault(Direct Message) : Justin even if she sends it to one person the chat it is recorded and subject to public record. Just an fyi 16:37:19 From Kristina Goodman : Thank you. I would also be interested in receiving that information 16:37:38 From Justin Barrieault to Tawnya Harris(Direct Message) : That's true. Good catch on that. Thank you Tee. I'll take this to exec committee and Breonne 16:37:50 From Tawnya Harris to Justin Barrieault(Direct Message) : Ok 16:38:19 From Tess Herman : Not only did you send to the group, you don’t know me, my story or what happened. 16:39:56 From Kristina Goodman : I think we also need to be mindful of different learning styles. Being able to see it and hear it is important 16:41:09 From Christian Bryant : Did we say we were going to bring back one of our previous conversations? I believe Ian tabled his comment 16:42:04 From laura golino de lovato : Thank you, Christian. 16:47:46 From Vivien Lyon : so providing funds for repairing tenant-caused damage for LLs who use low barrier screening? 16:47:55 From Amber Cook (she/ella) : (Sorry, Ian, I realized I said the presentation from Christian & Laura when I meant you) 16:48:57 From Ian Davie, he/him : All good. Can't spell Christian without ian, so I get it :) 16:49:10 From Amber Cook (she/ella) : Nice 16:53:12 From Kristina Goodman : thank you Laura and Ian! 16:53:52 From Amber Cook (she/ella) : Thanks for the work people put into this meeting 16:53:55 From Tawnya Harris : Have a great rest of the week. 16:53:55 From Vivien Lyon : Thank you Breonne