DATE: May 7, 2008
TO: Suzanne Savin
Bureau of Development Services
FROM: Vu Mai
Development Review and Services
SUBJECT: Review of 08-106691 AD AD
The Water Bureau has reviewed the proposed action and has the following comments:
This site has an existing 3/4” metered water service located to the west side of SW 18th Avenue. This service may be used for future development or to be removed permanently at the applicant’s expenses.
There is an existing 6” water main in SW 18th Avenue located approximately 13’ west from the northwest corner of the property. Please see the below quarter section map for details. Please show the existing water main clearly in all plans and be cautious during construction.
Conditions of Approval: None
Please call me if you have any questions or comments. My phone number is 503-823-3788.