Bill, John and Greg,

I just got off the phone with Suzanne Savin, the planner reviewing our requested adjustments. We had a very positive conversation regarding her 9 items of additional information found in her attached document. I prepared a quick response and strategy for each of the 9 comments she sent over and discussed those responses with her. The following is a quick summary of our conversation:

Comment 1 - Proposed items within the 18th ave right of way: I informed Suzanne of the strategy Bill, Tom Biornstad of PDOT, Tom Carter of Planning and Zoning, and I developed which is the items within the right of way will be submitted through the Revoceable Permit Process directly with PDOT. Nobody at PDS updated Suzanne with this strategy. I will follow up with Tom Biornstad and Suzanne's PDOT contact, Sherry Eudaly.

Comment 2 - Additional setback on east side of property: I updated Suzanne with the site conditions and how only 1,346 sq. ft. of the east elevation will be exposed above the cliff, therefore allowing a 7' setback without an adjustment. She indicated that she will reexamine the elevation and get back to me. My hunch is that we will not need to apply for this additional adjustment.

Comment 3 - Additional Adjustment for Building Coverage: Suzanne indicated that she understood our interpretation of this zoning requirement; The garage is below grade and does count in determining the percentage of lot coverage. She further indicated that this is a grey area in the code and that after reviewing our proposal with other staff members, we are required to count the garage area. We therefore do need to apply for the adjustment. We should get the adjustment since it is all open and partially landscaped space on the 2nd floor terrace. I will prepare this adjustment which will cost an additional $750.

Comment 4 - West Wall Setback Adjustment: Suzanne indicated that we simply need to provide a more thorough written response to Criterion B and E. I have the new responses written up already and will prepare them for resubmittal.

Comment 5 - North Wall Setback Adjustment: Suzanne indicated that we simply need to provide a more thorough written response to Criterion B and E. I have the new responses written up already and will prepare them for resubmittal.

Comment 6 - Height Adjustment: I will add the requested information to the drawings and I will also provide Suzanne with images from the 3d site analysis I am currently completing. I will also update our witten responses for Citerion B and E.

Comment 7 - Cumulative Effect of Adjustments (criterion C): I prepared the following statement for Suzanne, "The cumulative effect of the requested adjustments allows for an otherwise unbuildable site to be built upon. The overall adjustments provide space on the site for (4) condominium units and off street parking for each. Without the requested adjustments, a much smaller structure would have to be built which would not maximize the intended density of the R1 Zone. The requested adjustments provide conditions for a medium density structure as specified in the definition of an R1 Zone." I read this to Suzanne who indicated that was an excellent response and satisfied her concern.

Comment 8 - Required Outdoor Areas: I will clarify in our submittal that both terraces are intended to be used by all (4) units.

Comment 9 - Landscaped Areas: Suzanne has asked us to provide the impervious square footage and the site square footage to confirm that the design complies with the required 20% landscaped area of site.

The total site area = 5,750 sq. ft.

The area of site to remain = 1,150 sq. ft.

Area of roof/ planter terraces for storm water = 500 sq. ft. approx.

Total remaining impervious area = 4,192 sq. ft.

% of landscaped, pervious area = 28.6%.

The proposed design complies with this requirement, I will provide that information.

Suzanne has also indicated that it is time that they have received the letter from the Goose Hollow Neighborhood Association from Jerry Powell. This letter needs to be retrieved as soon as possible. Suzanne also indicated that she is making sure that are submittal is totally complete now and just following all required steps. We are in good shape overall. We will get all of this new information to Suzanne by mid week next week. Please call or email with any questions or concerns. Thanks a lot,

Phil Sydnor