FIGURE 2 - (Section 17.24.020)
Unit Minimum
Permit For Fee Each Permit
(1) Placement of bus shelter or rest
station with no advertising use No charge
(2) Community, parade or block party
street closures No charge
(3) Seasonal or parade decorations No charge
(4) Placement of public litter receptacle No charge
(5) Street uses established by the City
Engineer and City Council to be of civic
benefit and non-commercial in nature No charge
(6) Construction or reconstruction of
sidewalks and driveways $.52/sq. ft. $50.00
(7) Construction or reconstruction of
curb $.66/lin. ft. $50.00
(8) Excavation for the construction,
reconstruction, repair or abandonment
(a) a main line, duct, conduit, subway,
property service, lateral, etc. (Sewer
connection more than 100 feet in length
shall be deemed a public improvement
under permit.) $1.92/lin. ft. $192.00
(b) property service or lateral if not
constructed in conjunction with (a)
above and plan review not required. $107.00 $107.00
FIGURE 2 CONTINUED - (Section 17.24.020)
Unit Minimum
Permit For Fee Each Permit
(9) Excavation for construction,
reconstruction, repair or abandonment of:
(a) utility vault or manhole chamber, $769.00
(b) underground storage tank $1,020.00/tank
(c) miscellaneous utility excavations $1.92/sq. ft. $192.00
(10) Placement, replacement, relocation
or removal of a pole or private street
light $64.00 $64.00
(11) Drilling a test hole $192.00 $192.00
(12) Temporary closure of any street
or portion of a street $198.00 $198.00
(13) Material blasting $346.00
(14) House and building moving:
(a) Non-refundable permit application,
investigation fee and issuance fee $355.00
(b) Inspection fee
Full Cost incurred by the City for inspection and oversight of moving operations.
(15) Advertising benches:
(a) Permit $ 20.00
(b) Annual Permit Renewal Fee $ 20.00
(c) Fee for bench removed by City for non-compliance with City Code -- Full cost
incurred by the City for removal and storage of Bench.
FIGURE 2 CONTINUED - (Section 17.24.020)
Unit Minimum
Permit For Fee Each Permit
(16) Bike Racks
(a) Permit $50.00 $50.00
(b) Fee for bike rack removed by City for non-compliance with City Code -- Full
cost incurred by the city for removal and storage of the rack.
(17) Mail Boxes (private, fore 1 and 2 family residence) $50.00 $50.00
(18) Sewer connection fee (effective
7-1-06) connection to an existing lateral,
or extension of lateral from sewer main to
property line; sewer or lateral extension
more than 100 feet in length shall be
deemed a public improvement under permit $150.00 $ 150.00
(19) Building Plan Review
(a) One or two family residential structure. $189.00 $189.00
(b) Structures auxiliary to a one or two
family residential dwelling unit submitted on a
separate application. $189.00 $189.00
(c) Commercial buildings (any structure
other than those listed in a and b above). $304.00 $304.00
(20) Any other excavation, construction,
reconstruction, repair, removal, abandon-
ment, placement or use of the street area $346.00
(For portable signs, see Title 32 Signs and Related Regulations.)
FIGURE 2 CONTINUED (Section 17.24.020)
Unit Minimum
Permit For Fee Each Permit
(21) Penalty fee. If work in the street area
is commenced without first securing the proper
permit, the fee shall be double that prescribed
above, unless he City Engineer determines that
it is not reasonably possible to obtain the permit
before commencing such work. Payment of the
permit fee, however, shall in no way relieve or
excuse any permittee from any other penalties
imposed on such violations.
(22) Sewer tap fees.
Sewer tap fees are adopted, annually, by general ordinance to establish sewer and drainage rates and charges.
(23) Application fee deposit for streets proposed
for rename 10 and under City blocks: $ 500.00
Application fee deposit for streets proposed for
rename over 10 City blocks: $1,000.00
*Auditor shall return any unused portion of deposit to applicant.
(24) Sidewalk Café Permit Fees
1. Application Fee Base $150 per café
2. Application Fee Area Usage $4.50 per linear foot
3. Annual Permit Fee Base $75 per café
4. Annual Permit Fee Area Usage $1.50 per linear foot
5. Permit Reinstatement $350 per incident