* Authorize Intergovernmental Agreement with the City of Gresham for staffing and support for the Housing and Community Development Commission and lead responsibility for completion of the annual Action Plan FY 2009-10 and performance reports as requested by HUD (Ordinance)
The City of Portland ordains:
Section 1. The Council finds:
1. By passing the National Affordable Housing Act in 1990, the U.S. Congress required entitlement jurisdictions under the federal Community Development Block Grant program to prepare and adopt Comprehensive Housing Affordability Strategies (CHAS). The CHAS required local communities to identify five-year and one-year affordable housing goals.
2. In 1991 Multnomah County (County), City of Portland (Portland) and City of Gresham (Gresham) adopted a single CHAS to set our community's affordable housing goals in a county-wide context.
3. Also in 1991 the County, Portland and Gresham formed a consortium (the Consortium) jurisdiction to receive and administer federal HOME Investment Partnership Program funds.
4. In 1992 the County, Portland and Gresham formally recognized their common interest in affordable housing issues by creating the Countywide Housing and Community Development Commission (HCDC). The HCDC serves as the community's primary policy forum to address affordable housing issues in Multnomah County through policy development, resource coordination, and citizen representation from all three jurisdictions.
5. In 1992 the County, Portland and Gresham further reinforced our community's interest in a comprehensive approach to affordable housing issues by designating the Housing Authority of Portland (HAP) as a Countywide public housing authority.
6. In 1992 HAP joined the County, Portland and Gresham in an intergovernmental agreement (IGA) to facilitate the administration and implementation of the HCDC by coordinating personnel resources.
7. In 1993 the County, Portland and Gresham, pursuant to a new federal mandate adopted a new Countywide CHAS. The CHAS built on the previous one and clarified the community's affordable housing goals.
8. In 1994 the County, Portland and Gresham entered into an IGA to support administration of the HCDC and update the CHAS.
9. In 1994 HUD required the preparation of a Consolidated Plan (Plan) to set forth the affordable housing strategies for the Consortium and community development strategies for each jurisdiction. Portland, with financial support from the Consortium, prepared a Plan for fiscal years 1995-2000.
10. In fiscal years 1995-2000, Portland, with financial support from the Consortium, updated the Plan and provided support to HCDC.
11. In FY 1999-2000, Portland, with financial support from the Consortium, prepared a Plan for the five-year period commencing July 1st, 2000 and concluding June 30, 2005.
12. From FY 2000-2005, Portland, with financial support from the Consortium, updated the Plan, prepared one-year Action Plans each fiscal year, and provided support to HCDC.
13. Gresham and Portland desire to enter into an agreement to provide $15,600 for Portland to take lead responsibility for coordination and completion of the inter-jurisdictional One Year Action Plan 2009-10, an update of the Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing, and other plans and performance reports as requested of the consortium by HUD.
14. BHCD Project Manager shall be Beth Kaye or such other person as shall be designated in writing by the Director of the Bureau of Housing and Community Development.
NOW THEREFORE, The Council directs:
a. The Commissioner of Public Works is hereby authorized to enter into an intergovernmental agreement with the City of Gresham for the completion during FY 2008-09 of the inter-jurisdictional One Year Action Plan 2009-10, and other plans and performance reports as requested of the consortium by HUD substantially in accordance with the agreement attached as Exhibit A (attached to original contract).
b. The Mayor and City Auditor are hereby authorized to receive payment in the amount of $15,600 for FY 2008-09 described in the agreement attached as Exhibit A.
Section 2. The Council declares that an emergency exists so that there will be no delay in the delivery of services therefore, this ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage by the Council.
Passed by the Council, February 04, 2009
Commissioner Nick Fish Auditor of the City of Portland
Beth Kaye By /s/ Susan Parsons
February 4, 2009 Deputy
AGENDA NO. 100-2009
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