Subrecipient Contract No. 38289
The above referenced Subrecipient Contract between the City of Portland (City) acting by and through its Bureau of Housing and Community Development (BHCD) and Salvation Army (Subrecipient) is hereby amended as follows:
Increase the contract by $268,686, for a contract total not to exceed $834,240 in General Funds. The additional funds have been allotted to expanding the SAFES program (Exhibit D) and providing funding for winter shelter (Exhibit E).
Section I.A, Scope of Services, is amended to read,
3.d) Provide 50 beds as short-term emergency housing within a dormitory environment with a sleeping area for bunk-beds with lockers, adjoining bathrooms, showers, and a separate but adjoining lounge area. All spaces, including bathrooms are shared facilities. Laundry facilities will also be available. Clients can reside at the SAFE dorm for up to six months, with an anticipated short-term stay of one-two months. All services will be free to participants.
i. Subrecipient shall adopt reasonable and low-barrier program admission criteria and referral procedures that assure timely access into available beds.
ii. A minimum of sixteen beds will be set-aside for priority access for women who are identified through the City’s Vulnerability Index as Medically Vulnerable Persons.
iii. An additional two beds may be set-aside for access by Portland Police Officers for nightly access (resulting in year round operation of 52 beds).
iv. Terminations from the shelter will be limited to serious repeated behavioral issues or incidents which threaten the health and well being of other residents, shelter staff, or the woman and are unable to be able to be successfully resolved.
3.g) Provide 5 months of Winter Shelter in the adjoining lounge for a minimum of 15 women/spaces (November through March 31). If SAFE staff determine that additional space can be reasonably provided during severe weather events for women who are homeless, then they will communicate this information to the City Project Manager.
3.h) Develop and maintain a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with any and all providers with whom the Subrecipient opts to partner with for a set-aside guest bed(s) at the SAFE dorm. The MOU will include service coordination expectations and agreement on access and move-out process. A minimum of 50% of all shelter beds must remain open access for women.
i. Where practicable, Subrecipient shall utilize a waiting list for assistance on a first-come, first-served basis in coordination with any partner providers for beds not specifically set aside for MVP.
ii. Subrecipient shall coordinate with any primary partners and the City Contract Manager to determine any significant changes to referral or termination/exit procedures.
5. Subrecipient staff shall provide primary housing placement and retention support services for all women (A minimum of 3.4 FTE housing case managers will be assigned to perform these services, with an additional full-time housing case manager during the winter season), except those women served via Partner agencies outlined in any MOU’s. Services shall include:
a) Thorough client assessment, including identification of barriers, and assist clients in overcoming housing barriers.
b) Assist clients to develop written permanent housing goals and provide ongoing housing counseling and support.
c) Permanent housing placement.
d) Retention support after placement into permanent housing.
e) Eviction prevention services.
f) Tracking and reporting on outcomes.
Section II.A, Performance Measures, is amended to read,
A. Subrecipient shall track and report on achievement of the following levels of service (outputs) by program and in the aggregate during the period of this Contract:
1. Year Round Housing Program:
a) 188 Unduplicated women served with emergency housing
b) 100% of women offered support services during stay in shelter
c) 100% of women offered home-based retention support services after placement into permanent housing.
3. Winter Shelter Services:
a) 30 Unduplicated women served with emergency winter housing
b) 100% of women offered support services
c) 100% of women offered home-based retention support services after placement into permanent housing.
B. Subrecipient shall track and report on achievement of the following levels of performance (outcomes) by program and in the aggregate during the period of this Contract:
1. Year Round Housing Program:
a) 30 Unduplicated women placed into transitional housing or residential treatment (30% of exits/23% of all served)
b) 62 Unduplicated women placed into permanent housing (50% of exits)
c) 85% remain stable in housing 3 months after placement in permanent housing
d) 75% remain stable in housing 6 months after placement in permanent housing
e) 65% remain stable in housing 12 months after placement in permanent housing
3. Winter Shelter Services:
a) 8 Unduplicated women placed into permanent housing (25% of exits)
c) 85% remain stable in housing 3 months after placement in permanent housing
d) 75% remain stable in housing 6 months after placement in permanent housing
e) 65% remain stable in housing 12 months after placement in permanent housing
In addition, Subrecipient shall track and report exit information for all women who are served via the full SAFES program (year round, winter shelter, and day services) (Exhibit B-1, page 2), including transitions into permanent, transitional, residential, alternative emergency housing, homelessness, etc.
Section III, Periodic Reporting, is amended to read,
A. Subrecipient shall submit program reports regarding number of people served on a monthly and quarterly basis. Reports will be submitted using the report form (Exhibit A, B-1, and B-2).
Quarterly program reports, includes beneficiary demographics, exit information for all women leaving the Safe Dorm and Winter Shelter, performance outcomes, permanent housing placement location, and narrative information submitted on a quarterly basis. These quarterly project reports are due on or before October 31, 2008, January 30, 2009, and April 30, 2009. Final year end report must be submitted on or before July 10, 2009.
B. Participation and maintenance of the Homeless Management Information System/Service Point for the year-round emergency housing and winter shelter program operations.
C. The quarterly and year-end progress report must accompany the billing in order for that quarter’s/end of year billing to be paid.
D. Subrecipient shall participate in and submit reports as required for the:
1. State of Oregon One Night Shelter Counts
2. City and County wide Street Counts
3. 10 Year Plan to End Homelessness
Section IV, Compensation, Method of Payment and Audit Requirement, is amended to read,
A. The City shall reimburse the Subrecipient for actual or anticipated expenses in accordance with the Budget (Exhibit C, D, E). Funds will be disbursed to the Subrecipient for:
1. Actual expenditures, upon submission of copies of receipts or other acceptable documentation, or
2. Anticipated expenditures, upon submission of a bid, official estimate or purchase order.
B. Any changes to the budget must be approved in writing by the City Project Manager before any expenditure of funds in new line items or amounts.
C. No funds under this Contract may be used to purchase non-expendable personal property or equipment. Funds may be used to pay for lease or rental of equipment if approved in advance by the City Project Manager.
D. The payments made under this Contract shall be full compensation for work performed, for services rendered, and for all labor, materials, supplies, equipment and incidentals necessary to perform the work and services.
E. Final contract invoice must be received by BHCD on or before July 10, 2009 and must be submitted with the Final end of year contract report. Changes to these requirements may be granted by the City Project Manager.
F. Total compensation under this Contract shall not exceed EIGHT HUNDRED THIRTY FOUR THOUSAND TWO HUNDRED FORTY DOLLARS ($834,240).
All other terms and conditions of Contract No. 38289 between the City of Portland and Salvation Army shall remain the same.
Donald C. Bell Date William White, Director Date
Vice-President Bureau of Housing and
Community Development
Victor A. Leslie Date
Assistant Treasurer
Linda Meng Date
City Attorney
Gary Blackmer Date
Auditor of the City of Portland
Project Report for Salvation Army
Reporting Period From: ____________ To: ____________
Unduplicated Demographic Information
Participant Information | 1st Quarter | 1st-2nd Quarter | 1st-3rd Quarter | 1st-4th Quarter |
Unduplicated Individuals |
1. Gender
Males | ||||
Females | ||||
Transgender (Male to Female) | ||||
Gender Total |
2. Race/Ethnicity
Ethnicity | Hispanic | Non H | Hispanic | Non H | Hispanic | Non H | Hispanic | Non H |
White |
Black/African American |
Asian |
American Indian/Alaskan Native |
Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander |
American Indian/Alaskan Native & White |
Asian & White |
Black/African American & White |
Am. Indian/Alaskan Native & Black/African American |
Other |
Total |
3. Age
Under age 18 | ||||
18-21 | ||||
22-30 | ||||
31-54 | ||||
55-62 | ||||
62 and Over | ||||
Age Total |
4. Housing Status
Chronically Homeless (HUD) | ||||
Homeless | ||||
Total * |
5. Other Characteristics
Medically Vulnerable (MVP) | ||||
Veteran | ||||
Employed at Entry | ||||
Disabled/Special Needs |
*Totals Should Equal
Project Report for Salvation Army
Reporting Period From: ____________ To: ____________
Unduplicated Demographic Information
Participant Information | 2ndQuarter | 2nd-3rd Quarter |
Unduplicated Individuals |
1. Gender
Males | ||
Females | ||
Transgender (Male to Female) | ||
Gender Total |
2. Race/Ethnicity
Ethnicity | Hispanic | Non H | Hispanic | Non H |
White | ||||
Black/African American | ||||
Asian | ||||
American Indian/Alaskan Native | ||||
Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander | ||||
American Indian/Alaskan Native & White | ||||
Asian & White | ||||
Black/African American & White | ||||
Am. Indian/Alaskan Native & Black/African American | ||||
Other | ||||
Total |
3. Age
Under age 18 | ||
18-21 | ||
22-30 | ||
31-54 | ||
55-62 | ||
62 and Over | ||
Age Total |
4. Housing Status
Chronically Homeless (HUD) | ||
Homeless | ||
Total * |
5. Other Characteristics
Medically Vulnerable (MVP) | ||
Veteran | ||
Employed at Entry | ||
Disabled/Special Needs |
*Totals Should Equal
Year Round Shelter
Emergency Housing | 1st Q | 2nd Q | 3rd Q | 4th Q | Total YTD Unduplicated |
Unknown – refused to provide information or left w/o notice | |||||
Non Compliance with Rules Involuntary exit | |||||
Homelessness–Street/Camping/Car | |||||
Psychiatric Facility | |||||
Incarceration | |||||
Transfer to other Emergency Housing | |||||
Residential Treatment | |||||
Transitional Housing | |||||
Went to live with family/friend – short-term | |||||
Permanent Housing | |||||
Provide Full Year Data for the Year End Report
Winter Shelter
Emergency Housing | 1st Q | 2nd Q | 3rd Q | 4th Q | Total YTD Unduplicated |
Unknown – refused to provide information or left w/o notice | |||||
Non Compliance with Rules Involuntary exit | |||||
Homelessness–Street/Camping/Car | |||||
Psychiatric Facility | |||||
Incarceration | |||||
Transfer to other Emergency Housing | |||||
Residential Treatment | |||||
Transitional Housing | |||||
Went to live with family/friend – short-term | |||||
Permanent Housing | |||||
Provide Full Year Data for the Year End Report
Project Report for Salvation Army
SAFES Emergency & Winter Housing: Outcome and Reporting Data
Reporting Period From: ____________ To: ____________
Chart A Program Information - Agency Specific
1st Qtr | 1st -2nd Qtr | 1st - 3rd Qtr | 1st-4th Qtr | Contract Goal |
# of unduplicated women served in year round emergency housing |
188 | ||||
# of unduplicated women served in winter shelter | 30 | ||||
# of unduplicated women placed into transitional or residential housing |
30 | ||||
Percentage of all women exiting who are placed into Permanent Housing |
50% YR 25% W |
Chart B Program Outcomes (All Adult Homeless Providers Capture These Same Outcomes)
Households/Individuals*** | 1st Qtr | 1st -2nd Qtr | 1st - 3rd Qtr | 1st-4th Qtr | Contract Goal |
# Served | 218 | ||||
Permanent Housing Placements | 70 (62 YR + 8W) | ||||
Retention 3 months after placement | 85% | ||||
Retention 6 months after placement | 75% | ||||
Retention 12 months after placement | 65% |
***These are cumulative (17/23 = 74%) and percentage data for retention information!
On a separate page, please include as applicable:
▪ Information regarding the program specific for the quarter that explains changes in performance
▪ Program/agency challenges and plan to address & program improvements and special accomplishments
▪ Examples of increased collaboration with other organizations, including outreach activities
▪ Examples of changes and improvements in flexibility and accountability within your program
▪ Examples of increased connectivity with organization in other (mainstream) service systems and housing
▪ Information on how your program is reaching and successfully serving a diverse population, and what efforts you are undertaking for further improvement (For example: race, ethnicity, special populations, chronically homeless, people with health or language barriers)
▪ Information on emerging needs & issues, problems affecting client success or access to key services/housing
Any other useful information
EXHIBIT C - Revised
WOMEN’S SAFE Emergency Housing Program
TO: City of Portland, BHCD
Attn: Liora Berry
421 SW 6th Avenue, Suite 1100
Portland, Oregon 97204
Funding Source: GF
Request For Payment #: Billing Period:
Date Submitted: Contract Number:
Budget Category | Contracted Budget | Amount This Bill | Amount Billed to Date | Balance |
Personnel (Safe - WWCS) | $332,587 | |||
Program Space Rental/Utilities | 105,500 | |||
Misc. Operations* | 10,000 | |||
Equipment/Linen Purchase (1x) | 10,100 | |||
Client Direct Assistance/Meal Vouchers** | 25,100 | |||
Client Rent/Housing Assistance*** | 89,020 | |||
Admin/finance (DHQ) | 61,358 | |||
TOTAL | $633,665 |
* Mileage, parking, travel, training, janitorial, communications and equipment rental.
Please attach detailed information as specified in the contract, or as requested by Project Manager.
** Funding for client assistance while in emergency housing (may include costs associated with costs of individual room re: Fair Housing)
*** Funding for permanent housing placement and retention assistance
Total Amount Requested:
Prepared By:
Phone No: Email:
The Salvation Army/Approved By: Dated: Signature
WOMEN’S SAFE Program: Winter Shelter
TO: City of Portland, BHCD
Attn: Liora Berry
421 SW 6th Avenue, Suite 1100
Portland, Oregon 97204
Funding Source: GF
Request For Payment #: Billing Period:
Date Submitted: Contract Number:
Budget Category | Contracted Budget | Amount This Bill | Amount Billed to Date | Balance |
Personnel | $22,000.00 | |||
Program Space Rental/Utilities | 13,750.00 | |||
Equipment/Linen Purchase (1x) | 4,600.00 | |||
Misc. Operations* | 7,482.00 | |||
Client Direct Assistance/Meal Vouchers** | 3,850.00 | |||
Client Rent/Housing Assistance*** | 14,750.00 | |||
Admin/finance (DHQ) | 6,643.00 | |||
TOTAL* | $73,075.00 |
* Mileage, parking, travel, training, janitorial, communications, and equipment rental.
Please attach detailed information as specified in the contract, or as requested by Project Manager.
* Funding for client assistance while in emergency housing (may include costs associated with costs of individual room re: Fair Housing)
** Funding for permanent housing placement and retention assistance
Total Amount Requested:
Prepared By:
Phone No: Email:
The Salvation Army/Approved By: Dated: Signature