Scope of Work
Goal: Assist Sandy River Basin Partners to develop key elements of a “Funding Strategic Plan” to help implement the Sandy River Basin restoration strategy already in place.
Schedule: A six month period beginning as soon as possible after the necessary agreements are signed (expected in mid-January 2009). Goal is to complete products by end of June 2009. Schedule for deliverables and meetings will be refined as needed by the Steering Committee.
Products and Tasks:
Tier 1 Tasks (important to complete by end of contract and within available funding)
1. Develop and document a procedure the Partners can use to efficiently match priority projects with willing partners (and landowners where applicable) and with viable funding sources.
2. Building from the 2006 “Short-Term Sandy River Basin Salmon Habitat Conservation and Restoration Strategy” and taking into account the project commitments and Habitat Fund resources in the Bull Run Water Supply HCP, develop a dynamic digital matrix that identifies funding opportunities that suit the needs of the unfunded or partially-funded priority projects. Identify relevant due dates and review criteria, and funding timelines. Also identify key individuals in funding organizations with whom Partner representatives need to develop relationships.
3. Meet with Partner organizations (by phone, or individually or in groups) to help the Partners: A) ensure future applications augment or complement the work of other partners; and B) avoid competition with other partners and/or complications in access that other partners need to key funders. One product of this effort would be a matrix of existing key funding relationships (i.e., funders that individual members are targeting/dependent on). Goal is improved coordination and mutual benefit.
4. Assist Partners with preparation of at least one joint grant application. Goals are to test the practical use of the products described above, and to coach the Partners on the coordination procedures. A likely priority for this application is funding to help implement the Salmon River restoration plan currently in development. Types of support likely to be needed include Partner coordination and/or participation by non-profit members of the SRB partnership to implement both outreach and technical restoration work.
5. Meet at least monthly with Steering Committee and communicate by frequent e-mail. Attend up to two Partner meetings, as directed by the Steering Committee. Provide a monthly progress report to the Steering Committee documenting completion to date on assigned deliverables and expenditures to date.
Tier 2 Tasks (to be completed to the extent schedule and resources allow)
6. Compile boilerplate descriptive text for frequently requested information on funding applications.
7. Create a summary of key accomplishments to date (ongoing).
8. Develop a checklist of project management issues that need to be addressed in funding applications.
9. Other duties, as agreed upon by the Steering Committee and contractor.