ORDINANCE No. 182472
*Accept a grant for $199,060 for the Stephens Creek Confluence Habitat Enhancement Project from the Oregon Watershed Enhancement Board restoration grant program (Ordinance)
The City of Portland ordains:
Section 1. The Council finds:
1. Water quality and watershed management is a key concern for the Portland Region in general and the Bureau of Environmental Services in particular.
2. The Stephen’s Creek Sub-Watershed Improvement Strategies Report (City of Portland 2004) identifies Stephen’s Creek Confluence as a priority for watershed health. The confluence is one of the few remnants of high quality bottomland wetland and riparian forest in the City. The short stretch of stream between Macadam and the river provides important habitat for salmon and steelhead.
3. The Watershed Investment Fund is providing $199,060 in FY 2009 for pre-design and design activities for the Stephen’s Creek Confluence Habitat Enhancement Project. The project is being managed by the Bureau of Environmental Services (BES).
4. Grant funds will be used to recruit and mobilize community stewards to perform hands-on restoration and capacity building within the watershed. Project activities will enhance 5 acres of critical wetland and riparian habitat and engage many citizens in environmental stewardship of the watershed.
5. There is a 25% match requirement for this grant. BES’s match for this project includes in-kind staff and cash match from the Watershed Investment Fund Capital Projects in FY 2008/2009 Sewer System Operating Fund CIP budget (EO8654).
NOW, THEREFORE, the council directs:
a. The Commissioner and Auditor are authorized to accept grant funds of $199,060 from Oregon Watershed Enhancement Board restoration grant program for the Stephen’s Creek Confluence Habitat Enhancement Project.
b. The Commissioner is authorized to approve amendments to this grant agreement that do not increase the monetary amount.
Section 2. The Council declares that an emergency exists because to delay accepting these funds would deprive citizens of the benefits these grant funds will provide. Therefore this ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage by the Council.
Passed by the Council, January 14, 2009 Gary Blackmer
Dan Saltzman
Commissioner of Public Affairs Auditor of the City of Portland
By /s/ Susan Parsons
Prepared by Sarah Adams
December 30, 2008 Deputy
AGENDA NO. 30-2009
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