Between the







The intent of this Agreement is to create mutual understanding in the expectations of the Police Activities League and the City’s Bureau of Portland Parks & Recreation in how they will work together to ensure that the partnership brings effective, positive results for youth and is mutually beneficial for both named organizations.




1.  To increase opportunities for youth in the Greater Portland area to interact with police and other community adults in a positive environment.

2.  To provide direct programs not currently offered through the existing Portland Parks & Recreation system and to complement existing programs to ensure all youth have access to programs which meet their needs.

3.  To promote the personal, social, economic and environmental benefits of parks and recreation through a community policing model.

4.  To incorporate goals of Portland Parks & Recreation’s 2020 Vision Plan and the PAL Strategic Plan including expanding partnerships to develop strong ties with institutions, corporate sponsors, non-profits, and local school districts to promote collaborative models of service delivery and to maximize resources for youth.



1.  Both agencies agree to:

a.  Support each agency's missions, goals and values internally and externally.

b.  Work together to further the goals and commitments established in this partnership agreement.


2.  Police Activities League agrees to:

a.  Use the funding from Portland Parks & Recreation toward athletic, recreational and enrichment programs that directly serve youth in the out-of-school hours.

b.  Coordinate and administer the Portland Youth Football league including responding to all referrals from Portland Parks & Recreation, recruiting and registering youth (4th-8th grade), recruiting and training volunteers, scheduling and supervising all games, and ensuring the proper use of all practice fields.

c.  Specifically with the 4-week National Youth Sports Program which targets low-income youth, offer youth involved in Portland Parks & Recreation programs priority registration, assistance with completing necessary registration forms, and potential free transportation to and from camp from carefully selected Portland Parks & Recreation Centers in target areas.

d.  Offer Portland Parks & Recreation staff field trip opportunities for youth during Winter Break, Spring Break and Summer programs.

e.  Recognize Portland Parks & Recreation as a key partner of PAL with all media and other promotional opportunities.

f.  Find opportunities to tie Portland Parks & Recreation into grant applications.

g.  Offer Portland Parks & Recreation program marketing possibilities through printed program guides, the web page, and other tools deemed appropriate.

h.  Offer a seat on the PAL Board of Directors for a Portland Parks & Recreation representative.

i.  Offer Portland Parks & Recreation access to the PAL Youth Center building during off-hours for programs, youth basketball games, training, or other meetings and/or events.

j.  Designate a participatory representative to the Sports Workgroup of Portland Parks & Recreation.

k.  Provide an Annual Report of PAL program outcomes along with a detailed budget of projected and actual service delivery, which details precisely how Portland Parks & Recreation grant funds will be and were spent.


3.  Portland Parks & Recreation agrees to:

A.  Provide a pass-through funding grant of $53,073 to the Police Activities League of Greater Portland.

B.  Inform PAL of any organizational or mission changes that could affect PAL’s ability to deliver services.

C.  Offer PAL program marketing possibilities through printed program guides, the web page, and other tools deemed appropriate.

D.  Schedule field permits for PAL youth football programs from August-October annually.

E.  Continue to offer a seat on the Sports Workgroup for a PAL representative, or a similar committee.

F.  Designate a participatory representative to the PAL Board of Directors.



1.  Tracking Youth - Youth participating in PAL programs will be considered PAL members, and youth participating in Portland Parks & Recreation programs will be considered PP&R youth. Any desire by partner agencies to count youth in their program figures must receive prior approval by a representative for each agency.

2.  Tracking Volunteers - Volunteers participating in PAL programs will be considered PAL volunteers, and volunteers supporting Portland Parks & Recreation programs will be considered PP&R volunteers. Any desire by partner agencies to count volunteer hours in their program figures must receive prior approval by a representative for each agency. Only volunteers/staff that have passed a criminal history background check will be allowed to interact with youth.

3.  Access to Records - The Contractor shall maintain, and the City of Portland ("City") and its duly authorized representatives shall have access to the books, documents, papers, and records of PAL which are directly pertinent to the specific contract for the purpose of making audit, examination, excerpts, and transcripts for a period of three years after final payment. Copies of applicable records shall be made available upon request. Payment for cost of copies is reimbursable by the City.

4.  Audits - (a) The City, either directly or through a designated representative, may conduct financial and performance audits of the billings and services specified in this agreement at any time in the course of the agreement and during the three (3) year period established by section 3, Access to Records. Audits will be conducted in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards as promulgated in Government Auditing Standards by the Comptroller General of the United States General Accounting Office. (b) If an audit discloses that payments to PAL were in excess of the amount to which the PAL was entitled, then PAL shall repay the amount of the excess to the City.

5.  Compliance with Applicable Law - In connection with its activities under this Agreement, PAL shall comply with all applicable federal, state and local laws and regulations.

6.  Indemnity - PAL shall defend, save, and hold harmless the City of Portland, its officers, agents, and employees, from all claims, suits, or actions of whatsoever nature, including intentional acts, resulting from or arising out of the activities of PAL or its subcontractors, agents or employees under this agreement.

7.  This agreement will remain in effect from July 1, 2008-June 30,2009. A new annual agreement can be renegotiated in subsequent years, however, if any changes to the budgetary support provided to PAL are proposed, it will be discussed by both parties and prior to the passing of annual city budgets for subsequent years.




We, the undersigned on behalf of the stakeholders that we represent, have agreed to the above listed. We have made a commitment to dedicate the necessary resources from our respective organizations to ensure that our goal of providing safe and positive opportunities for youth and police interaction is successful.


Approved as to form:



City Attorney





Police Activities League (PAL) Board Chairman      Date

449 NE Emerson

Portland, OR 97211

503-223-3422    503-823-5841 FAX


CITY OF PORTLAND_____________________________________________________________

Commissioner of Portland Parks & Recreation      Date

1120 SW 5th Avenue, Suite 1302

Portland, OR 97203-1933

503.823.2223    503.823.5297 FAX